CPA Network without Phone Ver. that pays via PP

11 replies
Hey Warriors,
Could any of you tell me about some CPA Network that pays via paypal, doesn't need phone verification and pays net15?
Big thanks!

P.S. Iam currently accepted in CPALead and made a application to Adscend Media.
#cpa #network #pays #phone #ver
  • Profile picture of the author Dominium
    I also made a application to PeerFly, looks like a good one!

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  • Profile picture of the author Sandgrown
    Originally Posted by Dominium View Post

    Hey Warriors,
    Could any of you tell me about some CPA Network that pays via paypal, doesn't need phone verification and pays net15?
    Big thanks!

    P.S. Iam currently accepted in CPALead and made a application to Adscend Media.
    Affiliate Cash Pile pays via paypal every 2 weeks and has a reputation for not phone verifying new signups because they are less than a year old and are eager to expand their user base.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dominium
    I'll check them out, thanks :-) also signed up to Lazy Profits

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  • Profile picture of the author akalaide
    Affiliate Cash Pile is a great network! Really great guys over there!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Originally Posted by Dominium View Post

    Hey Warriors,
    Could any of you tell me about some CPA Network that pays via paypal, doesn't need phone verification and pays net15?
    Big thanks!

    P.S. Iam currently accepted in CPALead and made a application to Adscend Media.

    I hate to be a pest, but why are you unwilling to go through the phone verification?

    I would personally rather get into the best network instead of the easiest network to get into. Normally the phone screening is a minute long and super duper simple!
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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    Most good networks will require a phone call to approve you. However, it's not all that hard. If you are afraid of the phone call because you're not a native english speaker, don't worry, it's not a problem. I'm not a native english speaker and have never had problems talking to the affiliate managers.

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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    I signed upto PeerFly 2 days ago but i haven't heard from them since on whether ive been accepted or not. Is that a bad sign? They said they'd reply within 1 business day.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jcraig83
      Ya bro, you are automatically flagged as shady if you won't accept a simple phone call.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dominium
    I managed to get into LazyProfits, CPALead and PeerFly without phone verification. I don't think they are bad networks... 0.o

    I guess some day I will have to do all this phone stuff, but it's pretty stressful at the beginning. Mostly since Iam not a native english speaker. Not even close to one :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Plugleap
    We are currently taking new applications, sign up and give us a try.
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