Long tail keywords,what is the use in PPV?

6 replies
Everyone says you should use long tail keywords.I know it is right but I really can't understand.
For example, keyword "auto insurance" 's bidding prices are
#1 $0.80
#2 $0.70
#3 $0.60
#4 $0.50
#5 $0.40

I target keyword "auto insurance 99039898err333222345" and my bidding price is $0.20,my position is #1 because nobody will target this keyword.

If there is a site that the url is http://autoinsurance99039898err333222345.com ,which site will pop up when users visit http://autoinsurance99039898err333222345.com?

#keywords #long #ppv #tail
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I don't really think long term keywords are useful in PPV. IMO at least.
    Long term keywords are more for PPC.
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    • Profile picture of the author Convertme

      But if you have very long tail keywords with few searches, they are more or less impossible to target unless you use modified broad match when it comes to PPC
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  • Profile picture of the author silverm
    You actually have to first find long tail keywords that people are searching and then target those.
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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    Long tail keywords with high volume can be targeted. Also u can use longbtail keywords to get targeted websites that is related to offer that u are promoting. If u promote weight loss for men offers in weightwatchers.com, the campaign will fail bcoz ppl who visit weighwatchers.com are primarily female, so if promote any weight loss offers, the campaign will fail because you are targeting wrong demographics eventhough the URL popped on was related to weight loss. You have to know all these information in order to have a successful campaign.
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  • Profile picture of the author moonicorn
    long tail keywords only matter when there are people searching for them
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