How can I make this DMR rotation script visit the URL's in sequential order?

by gotcha
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How can I make this DMR rotation script visit the URL's in sequential order? I really need this script to run in sequential order through the URL's in links.txt file.

I don't need the script to remember users/cookies/ip's/sessions. I just need the script to run in sequential order in a loop regardless of who the visiting user is.

link1, link2 ,link3 , link4, link5, link1, link2, link3, link4, new visitor >>> link5 , link 1, link2 , link3, new visitor >>> link4, link5, link1, new visitor >>>, link 2 etc.

PHP Code:
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=second.php\">";
PHP Code:

// Open our links file
$sites array_map("trim"file("links.txt"));

// Grab a random URL
$redirect $sites[array_rand($sites)];

$referer $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if($referer == "")

// Redirect to our Random URL
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"content=\"0;url=http://".$redirect."\">"
// Referrer is not blank send traffic to our homepage
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=\">";  
#dmr #make #rotation #script

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