7 replies
Hi everybody! I'm in Network Marketing... and I'm trying to figure out what are good places to place banner ads...

If you've had personal experience placing a banner ad on a site that worked out for you...I'd love any feedback or referrals...

There are so many places, my head is spinning..so any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks in Advance!
#banner #placements
  • Profile picture of the author Luke Sample
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[19426].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author raj7
    Top, right or left. I avoid banners at the bottom.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffm58
    Originally Posted by barbiefigueroa View Post

    Hi everybody! I'm in Network Marketing... and I'm trying to figure out what are good places to place banner ads...

    If you've had personal experience placing a banner ad on a site that worked out for you...I'd love any feedback or referrals...

    There are so many places, my head is spinning..so any help would be much appreciated!

    Thanks in Advance!
    You need to use Google adwords content network to run ads first. See which ones are converting for you then move to placement targeting and target your highest converting traffic sources.
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  • Profile picture of the author regmac
    Nice ideas on this thread... Thank you guys..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[482193].message }}

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