5 replies
I just received a promotional offer from Google offering me a $100 credit in my adwords account. Sure enough the promo code worked so now i have 100 bucks sitting in my acct but i'm not sure what to do with it. I used adwords about 3 years ago for about 6 months and didn't do very well. Can anyone give any advice on how to use adwords successfully?
#adwords #google
  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    What are you going to promote with it? There's a lot of stuff you can't do with them now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stephen Adams
      I have not decided yet. I am a part of cj and peerfly, lately i've been doing a lot of marketing for a dating site. I'm just looking for some suggestions of what the most profitable and/or easiest products to promote using adwords. Any suggestions would help. I don't even remember how to use adwords (as far as setting up the ad) i'm gonna have to refresh my memory.
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  • you can start you google adwords account again. Adwords charges you for every click of one of your ads. if you can not find your desired keywords, then you can use your money for searching those keywords.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stephen Adams
      is there a particular niche that sells better than others using adwords? any suggestions or comments would help. don't want this 100 bucks to go to waste
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  • Profile picture of the author cdroy
    Be very careful before you start using google adwords that you follow their TOS down to a T. I would highly recommend contacting them and asking them to review your landing pages before you launch any campaigns to lower the chance of you getting slapped.

    If you can stick to their guidelines rigidly and promote the right products adwords can be hugely profitable. Otherwise you will get slapped sooner or later.
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