3 replies
Signed up with Max Bounty. Need terms explained. Their website doesn't explain this stuff. Can anyone here help me understand the following terms?


#cpa #terminology
  • Profile picture of the author COPEAC Steve
    Incentive --> Offering the consumer something for filling out a lead / making a purchase...lower payouts and reduced quality usually follow with this type of traffic.

    Banner --> Placing images in a variety of size on websites, social platforms, that once clicked, send the user to a CPA offer in hopes of converting him / her and generating revenue.

    Search --> Paid or Organic, bidding on specific keywords that once entered into a search engine, provide results for users to click on...For example if you're running a PPC campaign for dating, you would probably want to show up when someone searches for "find online love," something like that.

    Organic search is when you appear in the search results without paying, you get rewarded for proving rich, relevant, unique content and a unique user experience to the user.

    Contextual --> Instead of paying per click like PPC, you're paying per page view in the form of pop-up and pop-under AD's...you have the ability to bid on URL's as well as keywords when sending this type of traffic usually.

    Solo Emails --> literally, individual emails to your email list rather than a newsletter that combines content and multiple offers.

    Co-Reg --> Co-Registration. Say you land on a site, click an AD, you are presented with an offer, you fill out the offer, then you are sent to a secondary page where more offers are displayed, a path of offers pretty much.

    Social --> Social media platforms like Face Book, My Space, you have the ability to place advertisements on these platforms with precise targeting options.

    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author foxtrot3
    Wow, that was quick! Many thanks for your help.

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  • Profile picture of the author euphoria
    Hey Foxtrot if you need anymore help with terminology, SEO related you can get help from a lot of sources. I found seoglossary.com to be really helpful.
    SEO Marketing, 15 Years Experience, SEOmarketingInvestment.Com
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