Maxbounty and Facebook PPC "Clicks" totals are not the same

by Diice
5 replies
I am getting a little suspicious as to the use of either Facebook ads or Maxbounty.

I have been using CPA and PPC for the last 5-6 days, bare in mind this is the ONLY method i am using currently.

I am having issues with the number of clicks each program is showing. This has happened every day so far:

example (Today) - Facebook PPC clicks = 25
- Maxbounty Clicks = 17

Is Maxbounty shaving clicks?
Is Facebook charging me for clicks that are non existant?

I'm not really sure how to solve this problem, either way i am paying for more clicks than i am getting.

#clicks #facebook #maxbounty #ppc #totals
  • Profile picture of the author surreal
    This is common, and something you can't avoid.

    Common causes include:
    -Method of clicking counts (unique, or absolute)
    -Slow hosting, maxbounty doesnt fully register the click
    -'Fraud' traffic filtering counting legitimate clicks as fake, or vice versa
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Sauve
      Originally Posted by surreal View Post

      This is common, and something you can't avoid.

      Common causes include:
      -Method of clicking counts (unique, or absolute)
      Hi Diice,

      Surreal is correct, we count unique clicks. If the same user clicks on the same link multiple times within a short period of time, we only count that as one click. Believe it or not, that happens often enough.

      Steven Sauve
      steve at / IM = maxbountysteve
      MaxBounty ranked #1 CPA Network in the world:

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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    - Are you using any kind of personal tracking or redirects? This could be causing slow server issues, or other errors.

    - Have you paused the campaign, to let stats catch up? Sometimes they are delayed.

    - They could be filter 'fraud' clicks, what does your targeting on Facebook look it?
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Diice View Post

    I am getting a little suspicious as to the use of either Facebook ads or Maxbounty.

    I have been using CPA and PPC for the last 5-6 days, bare in mind this is the ONLY method i am using currently.

    I am having issues with the number of clicks each program is showing. This has happened every day so far:

    example (Today) - Facebook PPC clicks = 25
    - Maxbounty Clicks = 17

    Is Maxbounty shaving clicks?
    Is Facebook charging me for clicks that are non existant?

    I'm not really sure how to solve this problem, either way i am paying for more clicks than i am getting.

    Are you using your own tracking platform like prosper202?
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    • Profile picture of the author SerpSlayer
      Another reason is that sometimes you get clicks from people who are not in your target country. I've noticed that in some campaigns, 3-5% of my traffic was from countries I wasn't targeting.

      Maxbounty redirects these clicks somewhere else and they don't show up on your dashboard. To combat this, you can georedirect that traffic to offers that allow those countries.

      But with that amount of clicks not making it to your offer I would say this probably isn't your main issue.
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