PPV Trafic for United Kingsom

6 replies
Do TrafficVance and LeadImpact have lots and lots of UK traffic? Is there anybody with PPV traffic from UK?
#kingsom #ppv #trafic #united
  • Profile picture of the author mikekoltas
    Lead impact does , never tried tv as you have to also have a intl account as well as us and have to fund it with 1k .
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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    TV does also but as the other guy says, you need an international account for UK traffic and a US account for US traffic, both which need to be funded with $1k each.
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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    LI will def have more INTL traffic than TV. Though TV is expanding.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by junkdna View Post

    Do TrafficVance and LeadImpact have lots and lots of UK traffic? Is there anybody with PPV traffic from UK?
    Leadimpact has more IMO but there isn't tons. There should be enough though depending on your targeting.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    LeadImpact will be your best option. Unless something has changed at TrafficVance, they barely have any international traffic. TV is primarily a US traffic network and will stay that way. The fact that you have to have more than one account to target multiple countries is proof enough that they don't give much of a poo about targeting other countries.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    I really dont like PPV as a good quality traffic source, as the leads you tend to generate are much inferior for a merchant and will have a detrimental impact on his conversion rates. Stick to PPC and EMAIL, you will make your merchant a lot happier and get paid a lot more in return

    Any questions just let me know,
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