How to Track PPV Campaign URL's Using Bevo & trafficvance

9 replies
hello , im trying to track my ppv campaign urls ,
im using trafficvance as my trafficsource .
and using my own landing page with
and using bevo for tracking .

my landing page direct to video sales that located in my server .

this is my bevo tracker codes page Screenshot by Lightshot

the first code i put in my trafficvance campaign
the second code i put in my landing page inside inside "end of body track code"(leadpages )

*the 3rd code (Redirect Code to Offer URL) - i dont know where to place
*the last code (Conversion Tracking) - i dont know where to place
i think its inside my video page , but not sure .

will be great to get some help

thanks in advance
#bevo #campaign #ppv #track #trafficvance #url
  • Profile picture of the author crams
    the 3rd code says to "Place the following PHP code in an empty file to redirect to the offer URL from your landing page. Save the file as e.g. go.php and link to it from your landing page."

    what i do is open up notepad, paste code into blank notepad then save as go.php but make sure its not go.php.txt then ftp it on my domain.

    the last code needs to be placed on the conversion or thank you page.

    bevo troy is here to help as well
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  • Profile picture of the author Bevo Troy
    Redirect code goes in a PHP file on your server that you create. Place the Bevo code in the file (it should be the only code in the file). When you link to your "offer" from your landing page, you just link to that PHP code. You can test by accessing the PHP file as it should redirect to the offer.

    Let me know if that is clear and any other questions you have!
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  • Profile picture of the author moshelog
    thank you both , im going to try it now .
    bevo there is anyway to talk with you on skype chat ?
    or anyone from service ?

    i forgot to mention i moved my video sales page also to leadpages , the response time is better on there server .
    right now i dont have any files on my own server.

    i have landing page on leadpages that direct to video sales offer which also located in leadpages server .
    so where to put the go.php redirect file ?

    bevo , if i want to track ppv URLs , do i need to pick Bevo Fingerprint tracking , or postback url ?
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  • Profile picture of the author moshelog
    ok , so i think i did mistake when i choose fingerprint tracking ,
    since i would like to track urls/keywords .

    so i did create new campaign with bevo tracking and this time i picked postback url
    this is the codes right now -> Screenshot by Lightshot

    i would like to know that im doing everything right

    1. i put the first code in trafficvance campaign -> Screenshot by Lightshot
    2. 2nd code i put in my landing page ( - > Screenshot by Lightshot
    3. for the 3rd code i created go.php and uploade it to my server
    and i changed the getresponse webform to direct to go.php .
    4. "Postback URL If your network supports Postback URLs, give this to your affiliate manager"
    i dont understand what do i need to do with this code.
    does it means i need to give it my trafficvance affiliate manager ?
    where do i need to put it ?

    i just got email back from my trafficvance affiliate manager
    Hi Moshe,

    What would the code be needed for? We don't do any implementation with codes on our end however, so I am almost positive you'll need to implement that on your side.

    Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author crams
    the Postback URL willl need to be placed with your affiliate network. what CPA network are you working with?
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    • Profile picture of the author moshelog
      i do not use cpa offer
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      • Profile picture of the author crams
        When i just want to track leads or selling my own products i stick using fingerprint tracking. and place conversion code on my thanks you page. also don't use LP, just place my LP in offer url.
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        • Profile picture of the author moshelog
          can i track urls / keywords using fingerprint tracking ? thats what i dont understand
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          • Profile picture of the author gibsonfive
            Originally Posted by moshelog View Post

            can i track urls / keywords using fingerprint tracking ? thats what i dont understand
            I to use bevo for tracking the few ppv campaigns I have running. And using any tracking method will track urls/keywords. These keywords will show in PPV Tracker under "target" column and your clicks will count as "impressions"
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