3 replies
After carefully reading their terms and conditions at Creative & Site Requirements - AdRoll Support, my website at jerrybanfield.com still got rejected. The rejection message said the following:
AdRoll cannot advertise your site because our partner ad networks prohibit us from advertising certain financial services. Financial services are subject to close review to gauge credibility, user safety, and accuracy of claims. This includes but is not limited to cash/payday loans, stock trading advice, as well as financial advice programs that guarantee success or exaggerate potential returns. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your interest in our advertising platform.
My guess is that a few of my recent articles they saw the title, did not take the time to even read them, and rejected my website. I had one called 10 steps to $10,000/month. I buried all of these articles so they are not easily visible unless you paw through my website. If they linked the articles in their notes, hopefully they will ask me to remove them and then get me submitted. What I don't get is that I don't guarantee any results in any of my articles or offer anything other than a time to speak with me.

In short, if you want to do use any ad networks, you probably already know the sheer amount of frustration that comes with trying to get your website approved. If you want to have your ads on AdRoll, the policies are collectively as restrictive as Google, Facebook, and many other ad networks combined. I will keep you posted on how my approval status goes.
#adroll #rejection
  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    Update: after contacting AdRoll support repeatedly, I was able to get my website approved without needing to change anything on it. Apparently, the first person that rejected my website got frustrated trying to explain the reasons, passed it on to the "advanced support" department, and they took good care of me by approving my website.

    I hope this thread is useful if you get rejected at AdRoll or any other ad network. Ad networks often reject new websites and if you really want in, just keep emailing them until they either tell you how you could get in or let you in!

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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  • Profile picture of the author Compound
    This is an encouraging story, and a good lesson on persistence. I had heard in the past that Adroll doesn't accept affiliates. From what I can tell you're advertising your own product however.
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    • Profile picture of the author banwork
      Thank you! You can still use affiliate marketing on your website with AdRoll as I have on my website but you must have your website be about you first rather than about an affiliate offer. In order words, if they can't tell right away that you do affiliate marketing, you *should* be fine according to their terms.

      Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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