2 replies
Is anyone actually working with this company? I applied and received a call a couple of days later accepting me. They sent me an email and then after my account dashboard was set up I was asked to send them a W-9. I was having printer problems but as soon as they were fixed I filled it out and emailed it to Simon, my Rep and have not heard back in over a week, despite my calls and emails to him!!!! What do I do now???

Please help....
  • Profile picture of the author AffPub
    they rarely use skype i mean they rarely reply on skype
    they prefer email to contact
    they are not responsive even
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11128983].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Royalrevenue
    Simon is single per handling all 1300 application [as per his words],
    G4 is great company, their payment comes Bi-weekly always on time.
    you can trust them
    www.royalrevenue.com - Daily payment CPA network- PayPal/paxum/Bitcoin
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11155857].message }}

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