Advanced Information Marketing Secrets

by drmani
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Infopreneuring is simple. Even easy. Yet not everyone who starts out as an infopreneur becomes wildly successful at it.

One obvious reason is giving up too early. Not being willing to work hard at it is another. But even if you are sincere and persistent in your efforts, you won't succeed wildly - unless you know some advanced information marketing secrets.

I'll share 4 of the most powerful advanced information marketing secrets with you - use them wisely and well.

Secret #1 - Lifetime Value

Doesn't sound like an advanced information marketing secret, right? I know. Yet, if you understand these 2 words deeply, your infopreneur activities will become so wildly profitable, you'll squeal in delight!

What does 'lifetime value' mean? It is a term used to describe how much a new customer is worth to your information business - over the 'lifetime' of their relationship with you.

If you sell a $19 ebook, and for every 10 buyers, one will go on to join your mentoring program and pay you $150 a month for a year, your 10 new customers are no longer worth $190 to your business - they are worth $1,990

Knowing your 'lifetime value' figures give you extreme leverage in investing time, money and effort into attracting new customers to your business - and doing it with certainty and confidence about being profitable all the time!

Secret #2 - Backend Profits

The next advanced information marketing secret is that your real profits come from the 'backend sales' - not the product or service you sell upfront at a low ticket price to attract new buyers.

Using the same example as above, your $19 ebook is the front-end sale. It brings in new customers. The $150/month mentoring program is the 'back-end sale' - and is 10 times more profitable.

Lesson to all infopreneurs - Develop a profitable, valuable backend.

Secret #3 - Allowable Cost of Acquisition

This advanced information marketing secret ties in with the first - lifetime value.

Once you know how much a new customer is worth to your business, on average, you have a figure on which to base the budget you are willing to spend to acquire a new one.

If your lifetime value is $25, then you know by spending up to $25 to get a new customer, you will not lose money! Can you imagine the level of confidence and security this data will give you?

Secret #4 - Building a Business, Not a Money-Maker

This last advanced information marketing secret should be no secret at all. Far too many infopreneurs spend most of their day working on their business... and forget to have any fun outside it.

It is because they build 'money-machines', not sustainable businesses. Think about your infopreneur business as a collection of processes. These processes create your product, advertise it to your customers, deliver it to people who purchase, and follow up with buyers to make future (backend) sales.

By integrating these processes into a collective 'system', you as a business owner will not get tied up in the business - and can be free to do other things will your infopreneuring cranks out cash and delights customers, on autopilot!

To learn how to implement these processes into your inforpreneur business and refine what is working so it becomes constantly better, you need to widen your knowledge and stay updated on recent developments - which means you keep learning constantly about being an advanced information marketing specialist.

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