Why Writing Book Summaries Is A Good Infopreneur Model

by drmani
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We lead a fast paced life. Everything seems to be happening faster and faster - and we try our best to keep up. It's stressful. We often wish there were more hours in our day.

And there are infopreneurs turning that very problem into a fortune - by giving time-starved hungry crowds exactly what they want... extra time! How? By selling them book summaries.

How can book summaries help infopreneurs sell time? Think of a 200 page book. If it takes you 4 hours to read, at 50 pages an hour, then if you could get book summaries that are only 25% as long, you would save 3 hours by simply reading those book summaries instead of the complete book.

Book Summaries - How To Write Them?

Before you begin writing book summaries, the most important thing is to research your market. You must look at 2 components
- who will buy your book summaries
- what books are available for you to write book summaries
The Market for Book Summaries

First, research the market. If you go after people who value their time, know how much it would be worth to get an extra hour or two in their day, you have an easier route. Book summaries ae not a good product for people with a lot of time on their hands - like retirees or students.

The Products for Book Summaries

Next, look at the book you plan to summarize. Unless it is a title that is attractive, already sells many copies or has a hungry crowd of buyers waiting eagerly to order a copy, you will find it hard to sell book summaries after writing them.

Crafting Book Summaries

Once you have finished your research and selected a few titles to write book summaries for, spend the time and effort to read them carefully. Take copious notes. Make sure to analyze as you collect data, sifting the grain from the chaff.

Once you've finished your research, compile the core principles of the book into a short document. Make it readable, entertaining and fun - without losing any of the value in the original.

Selling Book Summaries

There are many different ways to sell book summaries. Ideally you already own or have access to the perfect target audience to buy your summaries.

If you don't, you could run marketing campaigns targeting your ideal prospect - and highlighting the element of time saved as the unique point to sell more of your summaries.

Pricing Your Book Summaries

Your investment in creating book summaries includes how long you spent reading the book and writing the summary. The benefit you are providing is the time your readers will save in comparison to reading the complete book.

Factor these 2 things into your pricing model. There is no precise rule or guidebook to follow. Try out different options and stick with what works.

There is money to be made by creating book summaries and selling them to time starved readers. But there are critical things to get right before you plunge in - or else you could waste valuable time practicing ineffective infopreneuring.

Effective Time Management
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