The Essentials Of A Google Adwords Ad Copy

by cdn1
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As marketers and advertisers you have to think about your ad copies, and its being the most visible part of your ad campaign. Picture your ad copies as yourself, inviting people to come inside your house, and if you are personable and attractive enough people will not come in.

Your Google Adwords ad copies should be able to attract and drive the qualified and targeted traffic to your site while also preventing those unqualified people to click on your ads. These two should go hand in hand to get your ad campaign successful while also keeping your ad expenses low, if you successfully prevented this unqualified traffic.

Composing a Google Adwords ad is not an easy task and you need to do this balancing act of weighing your tool requirements. These two may be a hard thing to do because while the former may be within your capabilities, the latter can be more challenging because there are no set requirements that you can undertake.

An important factor that can give your Adwords ad initial success is the headline of your ad copy. This is the initial description of what potential customers can get if they click on your ads, and making your headline very compelling while not losing its attractive qualities, can give you the initial success of your campaign.

To make your ad campaign with Adwords successful you have to know some essential metrics so that you can have some evaluations to do.

These metrics will be your guide to institute adjustments on your ads or continue them because of their good performance.
  • The click through rate is the percentage of clicks coming from your ads in relation to the total number of ad impressions. This will give a gauge on how relevant and attractive your ads are in relation to the keywords used in the copies.
  • The cost per conversion will give you an idea on how much you spent for every conversion you made. This is an important measure for you to know if you are spending too much on your ads but gaining only a relatively low conversion.
  • The keywords per conversion will be your measure on the keywords used in the ad copies that are effective and are giving conversions. You can retain the keywords that convert and disregard those that did not.
  • The bounce rate is metrics that is useful on your side because you will know how many of the clicks made on your ads were not effective. You will know the quality of landing pages with this measure because people did not appreciate the page and left quickly.
  • The time that people spent on your landing page is also one measure that you have to know. This will also indicate the relevancy and attractiveness of your landing page.
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