Amazing Benefits of Social Media Sites

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Below I have listed the benefits of social networking. These benefits can be further broken down into goals. Possible goals for social networking include but are not limited to:

* Marketing
* Connecting/partnerships
* Authority and credibility
* Traffic
* Content ideas
* Target market research
* Product launch

Let's take a look at them individually:

Social networking can be a fantastic resource for finding quality partnerships. You're able to meet and connect with likeminded people from around the world. It gives you a chance to not only research and study potential partners but to also put yourself out there as a valuable resource for other compatible businesses. Partnerships can range from simple link exchanges or advertising exchanges to larger scale partnerships and new business developments.

Vendor Relationships

You can find great providers via social networking sites as well. You might find the perfect bookkeeper, distributor or even a great marketing specialist. Social networking helps you connect with your ideal providers, vendors and contractors around the world.

Mentors & Educational Opportunities

Social networking is a fantastic way to learn. You'll glean new information from potential customers, from gurus in your industry and from those people you meet along the way.

Enjoy the learning process and the vast amount of information available on social networking sites.


In many cases the people you connect with via social networking sites can change your life and your business. It's not surprising to find lifelong friends, associates and customers while networking online. You'll learn from others and provide value.

Take care however, to not spread yourself too thin. It's been said before and it'll be said again. It's the quality of your online relationships not the quantity of them that counts.

New Customers

You'll likely also find a whole new customer base with social networking. You'll meet friends of friends who could use your products or services. You'll connect with people who have been looking for the solution you provide. It's a great way to do business.


At its simplest, social networking provides you with an opportunity to link to relevant content, promotions and offers. You're also able to establish your brand. This helps motivate liking and build a community.

Authority and Credibility

Content is the foundation of social networking sites. It's an exchange of ideas. In the case of Twitter the content is limited to 140 characters. Facebook and MySpace offer a more broad opportunity. However, it all comes down to content. Through your content you can establish your authority and credibility in your industry. By sharing valuable information and guidance you position yourself as a trusted resource.


Social networking sites are supreme traffic generators. One link in one post on your social networking site of choice can send hundreds if not thousands of visitors to your website. It drives traffic through linking in your posts. It also drives traffic simply through your profile. People click to learn more about you.

Content Ideas

You can use social networking to generate content ideas for your website, blog and content marketing strategy. It's actually a great place to find ideas. You can eavesdrop on conversations to learn what your audience's most pressing problems are. You can start discussions to learn what they want to know. You can also tap into trends.

Target Market Research

Social networking is a fantastic place to learn more about your audience. In fact, short of sitting down with a focus group, it's likely the best place for your target market research.

Product Launch

You can also use social networking to launch a product. It takes a bit of planning and forethought however; you can really boost your launch results. Here's an example of how you might use social networking to launch a new product or service.

1. Create a build up to the launch event. Post any sneak peeks, samples, and testimonials for the product a few days before the event.

2. Offer special incentives. You can also offer a limited discount or sneak peek viewing to the first 100 visitors, first 100 fans on Facebook or even the first 100 people to reTweet your offer. This is also a great way to gauge interest in your new product.

3. Blog about your new product and link to the new blog posts from your
social networking profile page.

4. Publish content relating to your new product and link to the new content from your social networking profile. For example, if you're launching a new ebook, you can write an article on one of the topics covered in the ebook. You could also publish a testimonial or link to a rave review.

350 Social Media Tactics

Good Luck!

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