Which Article Categories Should You Use?

by cdn1
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Article writing is really a powerful tool in online marketing and it is one effective way to get links back to your site. A good article with unique and original contents can get published and also indexed high in the search results, thereby having capabilities to get a link back to your site.

In doing article writing there are many categories that can be made into topics and these will get the more attention of people, finding the categories useful. One of the most effective in these categories is the "Tips", "How to", and "Guidelines" categories, because many people find these to be useful.

  • One interesting topic is how to create good and interesting headlines because the headlines are the first thing that a reader will see when they search on your keywords. When they find your headline interesting enough they will make a click, and people want to know how to make these headline.
  • Another interesting topic that people will surely find interesting is to give tips and guidelines on how to make a compelling copy. Giving a formula on how to create a really compelling copy can get many people interested and they can be tempted to click and read through.
  • One topic that can interest readers is the sharing of some tips on how to create content that really works. While there are many copywriting tips that abound in the internet, this one may find the interest of readers and making them click already shows that it really works.
  • Another category topic that bloggers may find interest is in giving guidelines on creating blog headlines that really attract readers. Blogging is getting so much popularity and with many bloggers in the internet marketing arena, your guidelines may just find their interest.
  • Guidelines on how to turn visitors into clients may also be an interesting topic to readers. Getting prospects is the goal of marketers and not just the curiosity seekers because these people will not buy in the end and the quality prospects are those who have the more inclinations to buy.
  • Tips on how to get a freelance copywriter may also find interest on some marketers and they can be more gladly click on these. Contents and lots of these are needed by web marketers and getting freelance copywriters may be in their plans.
  • A copywriting tip that may be interesting to many readers may be that one on choosing where you want to go with your online business. It may be interesting to some to find out their real objective in doing their online business.
There are surely several topics and categories that you can think of when you do articles for your marketing campaign. What is more beautiful is that "Tips" and "Guidelines" are very interesting topics.

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