How to Target Potential Partners for New Product Launch

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Partnerships can be a exceptional business building tool. They’re extremely useful if you’re launching a product. You can partner with someone to build your pre-launch opt in list. You can partner with them to promote your product to their list as well. A partnership will help especially with testimonial or endorsement that add credibility to your product. There are actually three steps to finding a potential partner.

The first step is to identify a potential partner. You’ll want to look for people who have complimentary business models or niches. You can also look for people who have tremendous clout and credibility in your niche. A celebrity endorsement doesn’t have to be niche specific. If Oprah endorsed anything it would sell like hotcakes.

Once you’ve identified your potential partner your next step is to prepare a pitch. Your pitch is your short presentation about:

* what your product is,
* who you are,
* who your market is,
* what problem your product solves – the benefit(s)
* What your proposal is – for example will they promote the product to their list?
* And what is in it for them – for example, will you pay them a nice commission?

Up until this point this is all preparation and research. Your next step is to actually contact the potential partner. This is when many people change their minds. It can be intimidating and uncomfortable contacting total strangers or people you admire and asking them to work with you.
Here are a few tips to help you out:

#1 Prepare your pitch. Whether you’re contacting them via email or telephone make sure you know what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it.

#2 Know your audience and industry. There is a very real chance you’re potential partner is going to have some questions. Be ready to answer them.

#3 Know your potential partner’s audience. This is particularly important if you’re contacting a fellow business owner.

#4 Make it worth their while. This is essential. Anyone you contact, while they may be motivated to help you out of the kindness of their heart, is going to want to gain something for their efforts. Now you cannot pay for endorsements or testimonials – that’s illegal. So you’ll want to find a way to compensate your expert or celebrity another way. How can you make it worth their while?

Most business owners are interested in anything that will: a – generate income or b – help them grow their business. If you have a proposal make sure you know enough about your potential partner that you can offer them a benefit from the partnership.

#5 Be Confident. You have a great product, right? You’re proud of it and you’re a savvy business owner. Be confident when you contact your potential partner.

You can use Email and social networking messages to initiate a conversation with a potential partner. But, you may want to finalize the discussion over the phone or face to face if possible. This method will ensure you and your partner have the potential to work well and communicate well together.

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