Copywriting Tips: How to Use Emotional Power Words to Boost Conversions

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If the ultimate goal of your website is to sell more of your products and services, you know that the copy on your website is what makes all the difference when it comes to conversions and sales. Copywriting has been called salesmanship in print, and this is true because on the web it's the copy that you use to draw your visitors in that will dictate your ability to make sales and retain customers.

Everyone knows the power that the words you use can hold. You know that the right word can elicit a happy reaction, but just as important, the wrong word can leave a bad impression for a long time in the mind of the person hearing it. In that vein, we are going to take a look at some, 'emotional power words,' and how you can make use of them along with additional emotional selling tools to forge connections with your audience, boost conversions and increase sales on your website.

A successful conversion means that you have achieved the goal of getting a website visitor to complete a specific task, which can be anything from opting in to an email list, to purchasing a product. You must skillfully craft your copy using these emotional power words so that it bridges the gap between where your prospect is right now, and their completing a task that you want them to complete which results in a conversion.

Your goal is to create an emotional connection with the prospect because people will not only buy from other people that they know, like and trust, they are more likely to refer you to their friends and network. There are so-called, "power words" that evoke emotion in your readers. You can use them to create an emotional connection with your audience and to provoke a gut-level emotional reaction that will catch their attention and hopefully spur them on to action.

Here are ten power words from a list of 186 from copywriter Karl Stepp:
  • free
  • professional
  • tested
  • limited
  • big
  • valuable
  • unlimited
  • under priced
  • launching
  • better

In David Husnian's article, 'Some Words Are Mightier Than the Sword: Powerful Words to Trigger Emotions,' he writes that, "Power Words are a great way to improve your conversions and to grab the prospects emotions and should be used, judiciously, in all your sales copy.

Emotional selling is about appealing to the wants, needs and fears of the buyer. Judiciously using these and other power words in your copy might be just what you need to get better results from your website. Using techniques such as emotional selling and using the power words in your copy are powerful when used properly and skillfully. Remember to always operate in integrity and use your powers for good and not to use emotion to manipulate your audience into buying something that is worthless or that you do not stand behind 100%.

In addition to using power words in your copy, try these other tactics to draw your readers in and get them more engaged in what you have to offer:
  • Tell an engaging story that draws the reader in, grabs their interest and makes them feel something real.
  • Paint a compelling mental picture so that the buyer can see themselves using your product or service.
  • Be vulnerable and admit to a mistake and then share how you were able to overcome it.
Take a look at these tips and find ways to incorporate some of these power words and emotional selling tools into your copy and see what kinds of results you get.

For more copywriting tips, and other ideas for how you can build and grow your online business, visit today.
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