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An SEO press release is a search engine optimized news statement about your company's newsworthy events. At first, your press releases are directly targeted to editors, journalists, reporters, and Internet readers for possible republishing. Written with relevant keywords and anchor backlinks, its primary purpose is to increase your website visibility and ranking. News sites, websites, and blogs with RSS headlines may also feed on your site. So what then are the effective ways for your SEO-friendly press releases to actually show up on search engines?

First, you have to make timely and compelling press statement with good news grabber. Tie your news to current trending topics, recent social issues, and relevant studies to give importance, urgency, and relevance to your message. Your headline should contain primary keywords, initial case and written in bold. Your subhead, on the other hand, should be in italics. Briefly stated, your headline and subhead are the primary sources for search engine optimized press release; thereby, increased traffic and PageRank.

Second, your body text should not contain hype, excessive exclamation points and slang. If your objective is to optimize your SEO press release for online search, write in plain or ordinary language. Verbs in the active voice bring news release to life. Hence, do not hesitate to use strong verbs whenever necessary. Moreover, submitting a release entirely in all caps is considered spamming.

Third, anchor texts and hyperlinks should point readers back to your site to ensure your announcements, website and relevant keywords receive simultaneous promotion. More importantly, write not just interesting but also strong and compelling narrative. Write always to give life and energy to your news release to distinguish you from your competitors.

Fourth, avoid excessively lengthy headlines and overly high word counts. This is a no-no for most search engines. Experts recommend inserting keywords every 3-5 sentences (or total of 1-3% keyword density) for all your title/heading, subheading, initial paragraph, throughout body text, and last/summary paragraph.

Fifth, identify your sources of information and news releases within the first few paragraphs as an act of professionalism. Include also your business URL address because press people might republish your press release.Youget backlinks and credits doing this. In the long run, it will all impact to your online reputation.

Lastly, after drafting your SEO press release, print it, proofread, rewrite and re-proofread it to create a good first and lasting impression. SEO changes and no one can fully master it. Hence, do not get so engrossed in the SEO game; just stick with the basics.
#press #release #seo

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