RSS Feeds for Top SEO and Emarketing Blogs Online

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I want to share with you some exceptional blogs that are category specfic and offer great RSS feeds. This way, you can subscribe to only the subjected you are interested in. You can also post these RSS feeds in your blog for your readers.

If you ever wanted to learn online marketing or SEO strategies? It can get complicated! Why? Because most of these informative high quality blogs create a massive amount of posts daily which make difficult to keep up with.

Below I listed the RSS Feeds for Top SEO and Email Marketing Blogs. These are two subjects which are always extremely popular with marketers.

Included are the RSS feed links and average number of posts per week so you know what to expect when adding to your reading list!

RSS Feeds for Top SEO Blogs

1.. Search Engine Land (RSS) - Search Engine Land publishes an average of 45 posts per week on mobile, paid search, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and social media. You can also subscribe to SearchCap, their daily recap via email or RSS which includes a listing of their posts plus additional search news around the Internet. You can also follow specific contributors only by getting the RSS feed link from their author bio pages.

2. SEOmoz (RSS) - SEOmoz publishes an average of eight posts per week on analytics, blogging, branding, link building, management, SEO, technical SEO issues. and consulting keyword research,

3. YouMoz (RSS) - YouMoz is the search marketing blog by members of the SEOmoz community. They publish an average of five posts per week on the same topics as SEOmoz.

4. Search on ClickZ (RSS) - Clickz publishes an average of three out of 51 posts per week in their search category on paid search, SMB, SEO, and search marketing. Morel category feeds can be found on their RSS Feeds page.

5. Search Engine Marketing on MarketingProfs (RSS) - MarketingProfs publishes an average of two out of 32 posts per week on search engine marketing. You can also get more feeds from their Syndication page.

6. SEO on Search Engine Watch (RSS) - Search Engine Watch publishes an average of ten out of 38 posts on search engine optimization and search engine updates that affect rankings. You can also subscribe to the full RSS feed.

7. Search Engine Roundtable (RSS) - Search Engine Roundtable publishes an average of 31 posts per week on all aspects of search engine marketing including focus on Bing, Google, Yahoo, and other search topics.

8. Search Engine People (RSS) - Search Engine People publishes an average of eleven posts per week on various search and social media marketing topics.

9. Wordtracker Academy (RSS) - Wordtracker Academy publishes an average of three posts per week on search engine optimization including keyword research, link building, and social media..

10. SEOgadget (RSS) - SEOgadget publishes an average of one to two posts per week on search engine marketing. Subject included are content strategy, copywriting, keyword research, link building, and social media.

11. SEER Interactive (RSS) - SEER Interactive publishes an average of one post per week on various search engine marketing topics including Google, social media, link building and local search

12. Vertical Measures (RSS) - Vertical Measures publishes an average of four posts per week on search engine optimization on subject such as tsocial media marketing, content marketing and link building.

13. SEO Book (RSS) - SEO Book publishes an average of two to three posts per week on search engine optimization including link building and Google keyword research.

RSS Feeds for Top Emarketing Blogs

1. Email Marketing on ClickZ (RSS) - Clickz publishes an average of three out of 51 posts per week in their email marketing category on advanced email marketing, top email practices, B2B email, email delivery, and marketing optimization. Additional category feeds can be found on their RSS Feeds page.

2. Listrak (RSS) - Listrak publishes an average of one to two posts per week on email marketing including email acquisition, layout, sweepstakes, design, engagement, and more.

3. Vertical Response (RSS) - Vertical Response publishes an average of four posts per week on email marketing specifcally for small businesses including filtering, list segments, email design, and building your email list.

4. Benchmark (RSS) - Benchmark's email marketing blog publishes an average of 14 posts per week on email marketing news, deliverability, lists, design & templates, signup forms, and much more.

5. MailChimp (RSS) - MailChimp publishes and average of four posts per week on a variety of email marketing on subjects like autoresponders, authentication, design, integration, and more.

6. Aweber (RSS) - Aweber publishes an average of three posts per week on email strategies such as case studies, deliverability, design, and marketing.


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