Email List Tips - The Importance of List Segmentation to Boost Sales

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Segmentation is a critical element in list building and there is no doubt that list segmentation leads to more sales. The reason segmentation helps you boost your sales is because it makes clients feel heard, and it makes your marketing job simple and easy creating smaller more targeted lists. List segmentation means that you divide your subscribers into different groups, or segments, depending upon their sepcifcbehavior. Dividing your subscribers into various different lists will boost your sales rate immensely because you will be able to laser target your sales copy to attract a smaller share of your market.

Numerouss email marketing software products, and / or autoresponder software such as Aweber, offer the ability to automate the process of list segmentation by providng you the option in the "back office" or set up area of the software to set up new subscribers into specific lists depending upon where they signed up, and also their purchasing behavior and then move those same subscribers after they have performed some other type of behavior such as buying, or clicking on a distinct product to find out more information.

The Groupting Your Email into P=Prospect and C=Client

Prospects -- The new subscriber signs up to get more information on your subscription form that you placed on your website. Then your new subscriber is on list P. List P members are subscribers who have not yet bought your product, they are prospects becaus they show interest in your products or services. Since you know the people in the P list have not purchased from you yet, you can make sure that your copy to your prospects is written and worded entirely from your copy to those who are already your customers.

Client -- The prospect buys merchandise or information by using a link on your site or through one of the new subscriber newsletters or one of the emails that you send out to your prospects frequently. Once the prospect makes a purchase the autoresponder software automatically moves the P to the C list, which is the client list. After prospect is a client then you know to market to them completely different from how you would had they not made a purchase. Your emails to clients will concentrate on taking them into the next step in your product funnel depending upon what product or service they purchased.

The key element to keep in mind to make segmentation effective, market to these groups depemding on who the group is and do not be generic in your focus. Prospects are completely different from clients, and they should know that you know they are different when you are marketing to them.

There are many ways you can segment your subscribers and you need to. It's not difficult or complicated because your autoresponder software can do it for you automatically. All you have to do is set up immediately at the time that you create your first list or your first product. It is crucial not to to forget it and put this off because you will never regret it . By focusing on segmenting your list, it will actually result in more future sales and boost your product funnel,. This will allow you to earn more money while working less.

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