I Need Seo Copywriter Hotel Website(s) (fresh New content)

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I need to hire some one to write all the content for an hotel website, i have 10 complete different websites to write all the content, i will chose so start on 1, to know each other, and move to the next project 1 at the time.
I need SEO Copywriter Content Created for each page, each page will target Maximum 2 Keywords
hardingbeachhotel dot com will be the first website to create the content. second miamioceanfronthotel dot com and then miamibeachhotels dot WS and i have more to come.

Reply Me to my mail ldworld hat gmail.com
Please on the Reply Provide me some websites examples or links to documents to read about your skills, and provide me a Email address, i cant reply on this Thread.

Fernando Ask
#content #copywriter #fresh #hotel #seo #websites

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