What happens when a weather balloon climbs to edge of space and releases 200 paper airplanes?

4 replies
I'm forever enchanted with viral marketing.

It's hard to create a successful viral marketing campaign deliberately.

Watch this:

These guys (geeks?) have done it.

They built a weather balloon contraption which was launched with 200 paper airplanes in tow. These paper airplanes have chips attached that allow tracking. The paper airplanes where remotely released from "the edge of space."

You'll see the marketing implications once you watch the video. Subtle but effective.

For those who share my enthusiasm, dissect the campaign. It's really good.

They launched the campaign 3-4 days ago. Right now the YouTube video has 181,000+ views. When I woke this morning, there were 170,000 views. There are 1550 SERPS already for the exact match: "200 paper airplanes"

Without appearing a "me too" campaign, how can you adapt and adopt?

Here's my take: Notice "the geek factor." Off the charts. Targeted. Makes me want to visit the science fair at the local high school looking for cool ideas.

- Rick Duris

PS: People ask me where I find these campaigns. Here's my source: fark.com.

Normally, I visit fark.com for bit of diversion. Three reasons: 1) Funny as hell, 2) The headlines are creative and "non-linear." Grist for the mill. 3) You learn quickly how wonderfully wacky this world can be.
#200 #airplanes #balloon #climbs #edge #paper #releases #space #weather

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