Books on Getting Copywriting Clients

by abugah
8 replies
Hi Warriors,

I would like to hear your opinion on the best book(s) you've ever read on getting copywriting CLIENTS.

#books #clients #copywriting
  • Profile picture of the author Jake Dennert
    Originally Posted by abugah View Post

    I would like to hear your opinion on the best book(s) you've ever read on getting copywriting CLIENTS.
    Hey J,

    Getting clients is always tricky, and in my personal experience... there isn't an end-all be-all solution that'll work for absolutely everybody.

    You've got 2 ways you can approach this:

    1) Pick one client-getting method and beat it to death until you see results...

    2) Spread your efforts across MANY different client-getting methods... wait for one of them to start working... and THEN start focusing on just that one thing.

    Here are just a couple of the PDF's / courses I've been through for how to actually get clients... and maybe they'll help you:

    -- "Get A Client In 14 Days" [Ryan Healy]

    -- "Market Your Copy" [Mike Humphreys]

    Can't remember if those are the exact titles... but if you search for them, you should be able to find them.

    I also learned A LOT from the threads in this sub-forum on this topic...

    ...but I want you to realize this:

    There wasn't any ONE thing that I purchased or read that was "the answer" for me.

    Yes, they all helped me in their own unique way... but I just didn't want you to think that any one resource out there will make getting clients an absolute breeze--and do it immediately.

    Sadly, no such thing exists.

    Hope that helped you out a little bit, and I wish you the best of luck in picking up some clients!

    Take care,

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeHumphreys
      Originally Posted by Jake Dennert View Post

      Hey J,

      Here are just a couple of the PDF's / courses I've been through for how to actually get clients... and maybe they'll help you:

      -- "Get A Client In 14 Days" [Ryan Healy]

      -- "Market Your Copy" [Mike Humphreys]

      Can't remember if those are the exact titles... but if you search for them, you should be able to find them.
      Hey Jake,

      Thank you for mentioning my site -- I appreciate it. Market Your Copy isn't a course per se but an ongoing marketing resource for copywriters that I add more content and resources to on a regular basis.

      J. Abugah, here's a link to an interview I did for Market Your Copy a few years ago with A-List copywriter Doug D'Anna. There's no opt-in and it's 100% content.

      Market Your Copy and Doug D'Anna Exclusive Interview

      If you're looking for something in more of a course format, then my program Secrets of Marketing Your Copy might be a better fit for your needs.

      Hope that helps,

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      • Profile picture of the author Jake Dennert
        Originally Posted by MikeHumphreys View Post

        Hey Jake,

        Thank you for mentioning my site -- I appreciate it.
        Hey, no problem Mike.

        Only mentioned it because I found it valuable.

        My bad for calling it a course...

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  • Profile picture of the author EricMN
    Steve Slaunwhite's "Start an Run a Copywriting Business"

    Talks about his experience with getting clients, other copywriter's experience with getting clients, samples of how he does so, and target markets for prospecting that are always looking for copywriters.

    I honestly think this is the best bang for buck "how to" guide for the business end of being a copywriter.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    I like Steve Slaunwhite's The Wealthy Freelancer as well.

    Also check out Bob Bly's excellent book, Secrets of a Freelance Writer, 3rd edition.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
      "The Wealthy Freelancer" was co-written by Steve Slaunwhite, Pete Savage, and Ed Gandia.

      The link is here...

      (not an affiliate link)


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  • Profile picture of the author Increase Media
    Getting books on how to get copywriting clients is great to have in your collection. However, it would also serve you some good to find books on marketing in general or just spend some time studying how successful companies market and sell their services.

    Remember: Many companies spend millions of dollars a year on research alone so for the most part, the things they do work. Just apply that to your business and if you get a third of the success fortune 500 companies do then you'll have a nice living.
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