8 Headlines That Have Made Billions Of Dollars

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Over the years there have been eight types of headlines that have sold billions of dollars worth of products, according to Robert W. Bly in The Copywriter's Handbook.

Not all headlines that make money will fit into these categories, but when all else fails fall back onto the time-tested classics.

1. Direct

These use no wordplay or hidden meanings, but just state the sale directly.

Robert's example: "Pure Silk Blouses--30 Percent Off"

2. Indirect

Curiosity and questions are raised in indirect headlines (which are later answered in the body). They get to their sale in a roundabout way.

Robert's Example: "Ten Million To One, We Can Mix It."

3. News

Introducing a new product and announcing an improvement or new application on an existing product are all news headlines.

Robert's example: "Finally, a Caribbean Cruise as Good as Its Brochure"

4. How To

'How To' headlines have been pure gold in many advertisements. It gives your reader the promise of some information, preferably the solution to their problem.

Robert's example: "How to Turn a Simple Party Into a Royal Ball"

5. Question

Writing a question the reader wants the answer to will almost assure you they will continue reading. Then it is up to the body copy to get them to buy.

Robert's example: "Have You Any of These Decorating Problems?"

6. Command

By simply telling your reader what to do will sometimes generate the sales.

Robert's example: "Aim High. Reach for New Horizons."

7. Reason-why

It's easiest to explain by giving you the example. Just remember, they don't necessarily have to contain "reasons why." They could also say "steps" or "here's how."

Robert's example: "Seven Reasons Why You Should Join the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics."

8. Testimonial

To have your customers do you selling for you put a quote from one as your headline. They offer proof that the product works. But I was also told that you may want to think twice about using a testimonial if your readers don't necessarily know you are selling something yet. (Thanks Stephen!) And it is best to include the customers name and picture for added credibility.

I always start writing my headlines within one of these categories. From there sometimes I modify it, but starting with the stuff you know works will never fail you.

~Sarah Johnson
#billions #dollars #headlines #made

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