The power of storytelling

6 replies
There was an interesting article in the Los Angeles Times yesterday about a story that had been passed down in Japan for 50 generations, or over 1,142 years.

The story was about the huge Jogan Jinshin earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in the year 869. People had taken refuge on a nearby hill, but unfortunately, tidal waves came from two directions, colliding at the hill. Many died.

When last year's earthquake occurred, most people avoided that hill. It was a good thing too, as the exact same thing happened.

Perhaps it is because of examples like this that storytelling resonates so strongly in the human mind. After countless examples across millions of years, it's become an ingrained survival mechanism.

No wonder storytelling works well in copywriting.

The article itself is posted here.
#power #storytelling
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    The main reason storytelling works so well is because it sneaks the lesson into the readers mind and allows them to make the decision on their own.

    Example: Parables in the Bible. Many can remember some of the parables...they told a story but allowed the reader to learn a lesson without TRYING to directly TELL them the meaning.

    A good story that resonates with the reader will have them placing themselves into the story and learning the lesson subconsciously.

    Just like songs. How many times do you listen to a song and your subconscious has you feeling the mood and reacting through your feelings according to the mood the song put you in?

    The easiest way to sell or teach is to allow the reader to arrive at the decision through their own thought processes.

    We can try and hammer the reader into a sale with the best words we can find...the success rate is never as high as when you gently guide the reader into mentally arriving at a decision through subtle thoughts...thus stories work wonders.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Hill
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      The main reason storytelling works so well is because it sneaks the lesson into the readers mind and allows them to make the decision on their own...We can try and hammer the reader into a sale with the best words we can find...the success rate is never as high as when you gently guide the reader into mentally arriving at a decision through subtle thoughts...thus stories work wonders.
      Agreed. It's also been theorized that story-telling is an instinctive human behavior with a basis in evolution, so the human mind naturally gravitates towards that type of information structure. It clearly works well as an effective communications medium, anyway.
      Learn more - earn more: Books for Copywriters
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    The power of stories is making your selling points through a vehicle that is under the prospect's radar screen.

    I use stories much more in copywriting now.
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  • Profile picture of the author digicreatives
    Majority of people love stories. Since we were kids we've been told stories by our parents before going to bed. It brings good feelings
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  • Profile picture of the author jessiepadgal
    Everyone made some logical points in this thread already, but I have to add this: stories are just plain interesting, definitely moreso than copy without a story in it.

    Which would you rather read?

    People buy from people, and people buy benefits, and the story brings these things forward to a prospect.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronymac
    Transmedia storytelling is very exciting, but it isn't new. It is the ultimate mashup of ancient traditions and new communications models.
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