The Classic "Problem-Solution" Strategy

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Here's the latest update from Drayton Bird's newsletter.

I thought I'd share it with you guys as it has a lot of relevance to the discussions that have been going on recently.

Probably the most successful creative formula in any medium is 'problem-solution'.

In most thrillers, the plot revolves around problems being solved - e.g., the hero is falsely accused of a crime and will be executed if he doesn't find the real murderer.

In classical music, the fulfilment comes when the music moves from an unsatisfying dissonance to a final consonance where everything seems to come together.

In marketing messages you have the before and after too: lined face, smooth skin; dirty floor, clean floor; poor, rich - and so on. You see it all the time in headlines and TV commercials.

Generations of copywriters (like me) have worked like mad to devise good problem solution headlines. And they worked very well in internet subject lines - to start with.

But spam has killed them. Here are 99 words or phrases that can stop your messages getting through, compiled by Jordan Ayan of SubscriberMail.

Here's the list
I hope you guys see the relevance. If any of you haven't yet signed up to his newsletter yet, I highly recommend it.

P.S. I am not an affiliate for Drayton. Just a subscriber. K!
#classic #problemsolution #strategy

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