About the journey mattering more than the end-result... (discussion?)

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If you've read Schwartz, you perhaps know
about the old-school advice of channelling
desires instead of attempting to create
them? Well, that's a little vague, so I wanted
to discuss this topic with the more brilliant
copy minds in here.

Carlton talked about this before in his own
niche (golf). He said that people bought into
hitting far tee shots instead of accurate
putting, despite *knowing* that good
putters win the game.

People don't want the obvious roads
sometimes. In some of my own campaigns,
people want what I call the "Glorified
Journey" that strongly implies reaching the
goal after its completion.

Hitting tee shots for example, holds a kind
of self-prestige and a sense of
accomplishment as compared to putting. As
compared to putting, tee shots display
power and stronger emotion.

But I would think that this phenomenon
usually happens as Schwartz describes, in
higher levels of market/prospect
sophistication -- as the need to differentiate
with non-price factors escalate and
mechanisms are introduced.

What do you copywriting peeps think?

Winston Tian
#endresult #journey #mattering

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