Common Traits In The Jerry Sandusky Letter & A Good Freelance Copywriter

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Unless you’ve been under a rock this past year, we’re sure that by now you’ve heard about the Jerry Sandusky sex scandal and the backlash that Penn State is receiving now due to sexual acts that went unreported more than 30 years ago.

But regardless of if you believe Sandusky is innocent or if he should be put to death for the crimes that he has been convicted of, nothing could compare the emotion, and the heartfelt letters written and read during Sandusky’s sentencing this week by his victims.

Several victims read letters that they wrote detailing how they’ve struggled to overcome the forced sexual acts, one even mentioned that he unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide twice. The letters captivated and touched the hearts and minds of those making the final decision on action to take in Sandusky’s case.

If you’re like most people, right about now, I'm sure that you’re probably wondering to yourself, what’s the connection between the Jerry Sandusky victims’ letter and a freelance copywriter?

Well, there are several traits that can be found in the Jerry Sandusky victims’ letter and a good freelance copywriter’s letter.

Trait # 1: A freelance copywriter has to be able to emotionally connect with the audience. Just as the victims were able to do when they wrote their stories in a letter and read it aloud to court officials during Sandusky’s sentencing hearing this week, a freelance copywriter absolutely must be able to emotionally connect with those reading the copy that he or she has written.

Here’s why: If there’s no connection, then there’s virtually zero chance of the copy written by a freelance copywriter to convert into a sale. You see, when a freelance copywriter can connect emotionally with your target audience, studies show that conversions increase, your advertising costs decrease, which means your overall profits increase.

Trait #2: A good copywriter must leave no question unanswered. In the Jerry Sandusky case, after the victims read the letters they wrote, there was no doubt left in the minds of jurors and Judge John Cleland, who on today, sentenced Sandusky to 30 to 60 years in prison.

You see, a good freelance copywriter knows that most potential buyers don’t take action and buy simply because all of their questions about a particular product or service were not answered.

When selecting a freelance copywriter, one of the traits that will let you know for sure if this is the right freelance copywriter to go with, is to evaluate if the writer has a track record of providing sales copy that answers all of the questions that potential buyers may have. A sure sign is in the copywriter's average conversion rate.
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