WSO Testimonial Formatting - Which do you prefer?

by WFAlex
5 replies
Hi fellow warriors,

I'm about to launch a WSO but would appreciate your thoughts in how to format the testimonials I already received (hence I think the copywriting section would be the best fit for a question like this).

I think of either making a screenshot of each review (these were sent to me via pm) and putting it into the salesletter or just quoting the text and highlighting a few areas.

Which do you find more convincing or pleasing for the eye - and why?

Please let me know your thoughts
#formatting #prefer #testimonial #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Silver
    I think you may want to go the quote route because you can only post like 4 or 5 seperate images per thread.

    So if you have a lot of reviews and testimonials and you put them all in one screenshot the image will be pretty big and slow down your WSO load time, which may negatively impact conversions.

    One thing I would like to mention on a personal note, is that I hate seeing all the reviews and testimonials presented right at the beginning of the WSO thread before you even know what the offer is.

    I know it works, otherwise people wouldn't keep doing it, but oftentimes I'd like to know what is being offered before going through feedback from customers.

    One last thing, whatever route you choose make sure you use reviews that actually highlight the efficacy of your product in a specific fashion...

    So if you're selling a report on how to make $50 a day, your best reviews are going to be from people who have actually made some money from your report.

    This type of review:

    "Great report! Following his advice I made $36.87 yesterday, and its only been four days since I started."

    To me, is much better than this:

    "This is an awesome report. Well put together and it makes sense. This is the best WSO I've purchased in a long time!"

    Just my $0.02...
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    • Profile picture of the author WFAlex
      Thanks Paul, much appreciated.

      I agree with you on several points there...specifically posting tons of reviews at the top. It probably works but I won't do that.

      Also, good to know I can only post like 4-5 images in a thread? Didn't know that. I guess I'll make the first 4 paragraphs 1 image and the rest will be bigger images so by the time people read the first, quickly-loading image, the rest will have finished loading already.

      I see what you mean in regards to the difference between reviews highlighting something specific (preferably having made money from it) vs. general reviews but I fear that when giving out review copies initially, it's very rare to receive the kind of testimonials like you mentioned ("...Following his advice I made $36.87 yesterday, and its only been four days since I started.").

      However, if I do manage to get these kind of reviews, they'll probably be the exception in regards to putting them before the offer/at the top of the salesletter.

      Any more thoughts?

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      • Profile picture of the author Jeremey
        Originally Posted by WFAlex View Post

        However, if I do manage to get these kind of reviews, they'll probably be the exception in regards to putting them before the offer/at the top of the salesletter.

        Any more thoughts?
        Here's some advice...Work with a select few people that have offered really positive reviews of your product. People who you've helped. Take their review and turn it into a proper testimonial by reframing what they have to say about your product in a way that highlights how you've helped them...then ask them to look over the testimonial and sign off on your suggestions.

        For example, "This was a great product. I was able to start making money immediately! Thanks Alex!"

        Becomes "Thanks Alex - I struggled for 8 months to make money online. I was ready to give up hope when I found your product. Thanks to your methods, I have made $930 in the past week alone, and I haven't even implemented all of your suggestions yet! I finally feel like I may have a future in this business!"

        I'm not saying make stuff up. I'm saying it's your job as a marketer to take what someone tells you and reframe it to best sell your product, in a way that they agree with and sign off on.

        Hope that helps!
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  • ... great news, despite the fact that it may work, you've decided not to load dozens of testimonials at the top of the page. Before anyone gets a chance to read the pitch.

    I too hate seeing that.

    But just in case it's absolutely proven to work - you could put one key testimonial at the top.

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    The quotes the forum provide are fine. You can also get a bunch of your testimonials and do a screen capture for them. The forum allows 10 images per thread.
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