Who to follow/swipe file for selling legal services

by deezn
12 replies
I'm just wondering, if anyone knows of a particular copywriter whose swipe files would be good models and learning material for selling legal services.

Like Clayton with financial products, Carlton does self-defense, golfing, etc.

Now, there are different legal services that can be sold. Such as estate planning which would be similar to investing/financial planning copy. My area is personal injury so it's more of an emergency one time transaction. A crisis so to speak.

I've put together a nice swipe file but don't see anything on point.

Of course I'm trying to create my own ads, but they are from scratch and I would love to have just a few swipes, if they even exist.
#file #follow or swipe #legal #services
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Cohen
    Before writing your lead gen copy, you'll want to determine two things:

    1. The emotions driving your prospects. Since you're already in the space, you probably already know them. But if not, check out the personal-injury attorney's who advertise nationally and see which emotions they're targeting.

    You should be able to develop a good hook from those emotions.

    (I just saw a dang-good hook that target's a prospect's desire for timely resolution. I'd be happy to share it with you via PM but don't want to reveal it publicly.)

    2. The search phrases that prospects key into Google when they're looking for a personal-injury attorney. Those phrases will be keywords and text for your PPC ads, text for your display ads, etc.

    When you write your lead gen copy, it should of course be congruent with your ads.

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    • Profile picture of the author deezn
      Originally Posted by copyassassin View Post


      I suggest a couple of places to look:

      Fairfax, Virginia - Best Personal Injury Car Accident Attorney Website | Benjamin W. Glass, III & Assoc. PC

      Ben Glass is a GKIC titanium member, and has been with Dan Kennedy for a long time.

      Check out his site, optin to his stuff.

      He's also doing what you want to do:

      Great Legal Marketing for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers and Law Firms | Great Legal Marketing, Inc.

      I'd also check out this sites, who use the same company to make their sites:

      The Best in Attorney Website Design | Attorney Website Hosting | Video for Attorneys | Great Attorney Web Development Clients | Foster Web Marketing
      Thanks copyassassin. I'm actually a follower of Ben's, been to two of his conferences, and was a coaching member for a year (still a member and get his newsletter). He's the one who introduced me to direct response and Dan Kennedy. Lol.

      I look to his stuff all the time. However, I was hoping for a different voice and hook. But Ben is great. I still follow him.

      When I become hugely successful, I can say definitely, that it traces all the way back to him. He's changed my life for real.

      But you mentioning him makes me realize I'll need to take another close look at his stuff (I have almost everything he's put out).

      Great Legal Marketing, plus Dan Kennedy/GKIC, and this forum is essentially my foundation for marketing. Inspiration to write my own ads came from this subforum (which I found AFTER searching for SEO).

      Originally Posted by MadHattie123 View Post

      For years I've been aware of the stellar marketing approach Ben Glass uses. However, I didn't know of his connection with Dan Kennedy. That alone would explain it.

      Thanks for the info.

      I have wondered whether Glass is as good at lawyering as he is at marketing.

      Perhaps my questioning arises from having worked 14 years for a top drawer attorney in Texas and then 8 years for a Virginia real estate attorney who "saw the light" and successfully jumped ship from legal practice into his own real estate development business... becoming "super wealthy" in the process.

      Ben's a great lawyer with real cases. He's unfortunate to live in a state where PI awards just aren't high. But I'm positive he does well.

      I'm in San Diego where it's not as high as say LA, but there are guys here getting million dollar settlements, or $90m med mal judgments. I"m waaaaaay off from that, but that's a 5-10 year goal easily

      I have to become a good lawyer obviously but the marketing will bring in the clients.

      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      I don't know where to get legal swipes other than to research famous and perhaps not so famous actual trials that got a lot of media attention. Newspaper headlines and sound bites can be just as powerful (often way more) than what attorneys can say.
      This is a great idea and I never thought about that! Really great idea.

      Originally Posted by Alex Cohen View Post

      Before writing your lead gen copy, you'll want to determine two things:

      1. The emotions driving your prospects. Since you're already in the space, you probably already know them. But if not, check out the personal-injury attorney's who advertise nationally and see which emotions they're targeting.

      You should be able to develop a good hook from those emotions.

      (I just saw a dang-good hook that target's a prospect's desire for timely resolution. I'd be happy to share it with you via PM but don't want to reveal it publicly.)

      2. The search phrases that prospects key into Google when they're looking for a personal-injury attorney. Those phrases will be keywords and text for your PPC ads, text for your display ads, etc.

      When you write your lead gen copy, it should of course be congruent with your ads.

      I would love that through PM. I'll send you one now.

      I appreciate all of the help. You guys (and gals!) are great.
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  • Profile picture of the author copyassassin
    Originally Posted by deezn View Post

    I'm just wondering, if anyone knows of a particular copywriter whose swipe files would be good models and learning material for selling legal services.

    I suggest a couple of places to look:

    Fairfax, Virginia - Best Personal Injury Car Accident Attorney Website | Benjamin W. Glass, III & Assoc. PC

    Ben Glass is a GKIC titanium member, and has been with Dan Kennedy for a long time.

    Check out his site, optin to his stuff.

    He's also doing what you want to do:

    Great Legal Marketing for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers and Law Firms | Great Legal Marketing, Inc.

    I'd also check out this sites, who use the same company to make their sites:

    The Best in Attorney Website Design | Attorney Website Hosting | Video for Attorneys | Great Attorney Web Development Clients | Foster Web Marketing

    The Most Bad-Ass Tax Reduction Strategist for Internet Marketers who HATE paying taxes. See my happy clients

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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    I don't know where to get legal swipes other than to research famous and perhaps not so famous actual trials that got a lot of media attention. Newspaper headlines and sound bites can be just as powerful (often way more) than what attorneys can say.
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  • Profile picture of the author deezn
    Yup, it's Ngage Live Chat. Last time I spoke to them, it's $500 to start, and $35 per qualified lead (as in, they don't charge you unless it's a good lead per your instructions, vs. those who charge per chat).
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  • Profile picture of the author deezn
    Thanks adam that is great.
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