Dating Coaching Website

7 replies

I am in the process of putting together a website for two friends who want to create a small dating coaching businesses. Their target market is guys. I am a little familiar with their genre, but I can't really figure out how to add emotion to the website copy. The link below is to what I have done so far.

Any suggestions on how to make the web site copy less dry or more effective?

Chicago Pickup Group - Home
#coaching #dating #website
  • Profile picture of the author Jonwebb
    Ahhh the pickup niche, everything I learned about advertising stems from being a pua ( former my gf would be mad if I didnt add that :-P)

    Anyway, the copy needs work. For example why makes these guys legit? What makes these guys the go to guys to learn pick up?? Usp, usp.

    things this site needs

    1)headline that is magnetic
    2)A usp
    3)Proof ( in 2013 anyone can write a PDF and call themselves an expert, you need real proof that you can cold approach any girl and get her number and take her to bed
    4) a strong call to action.

    guys who buy this type of coaching are LSE, they need women in their life they crave it. have you ever wanted something so badly that you would pay 10,000 just for the HOPE of getting what you wanted? These guys are. Provided you do a good job of making yourself different from the 50,000 wannabe pua coaches out there.

    good luck,

    Jonathan Webb
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  • Profile picture of the author ReferralCandy
    A very saturated market to get into; you'd have to be really good at what you do. I agree with Jonathan's points. I land on the site and go "Uh, okay." It's not compelling. There's nothing unexpected, interesting, spectacular.

    If you look in this very forum, somebody posted a "Chump To Champ" picture of an old Atlas advertisement selling muscle gain to skinny men. Use the same language and ideas. Act on people's emotions. Give them a payoff, tell them what they can expect to gain, what they can expect to feel. And you'll need some proof.

    Measure, manage and incentivize customer referrals with ReferralCandy.

    PS: Looking to get more repeat customers for a physical store? Check out CandyBar's digital loyalty cards!

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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      The website isn't a separate piece from
      the whole lead, buying, nurture process.

      It's a cog in the marketing machine.

      From the time prospects find out about the group,
      the message and imagery needs to match.

      Then the high reward, low risk offer to take
      them into the funnel flow.

      This offer could be to sit in and watch the guys do their tricks.

      Then the conversion part is signing them up for the weekend field trip.

      Those who don't sign up for the weekend field trip can go into a
      follow up sequence with tips and offers.

      Go to and you'll see lots of examples of lead flow and capture.
      The very best around.

      Marketing isn't a 1 time event, it's a lot's of little steps which take place through automation.

      Before writing a word you map out the flow.

      Make sense?

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  • Profile picture of the author PeepMyCollar
    It's missing the main ingredient--results.

    Results of themselves or of their students.

    Without it, it means nothing.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
    The biggest issue I see is...

    There is way too much going on....

    As Steve Krug's book read.... "Don't Make Me Think."

    You need to figure out exactly what the Home page's objective is...

    Getting an e-mail optin?
    Selling phone Coaching?
    Selling the "Wingman" service?
    Establishing expertise?

    When you land on the website as it is....

    You ask..... What's in it for me?

    The way it is now.... People will think it is too much work to figure it out... They'll simply click away....

    Tell them what you can do for them and tell them what to do next.

    I've seen simple but engaging landing pages where they have a group of buttons each stating a problem.... Those lead to a sales page specifically tailored to that reader's problem.... and your solution. There is very little thought involved for the reader.... and you're able to hit their hot buttons directly.

    All The Best,

    Rich Beck BCIP, MCSD, MCIS
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    • Profile picture of the author desigac
      Is it a Legit one?
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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    make a simple landing page with clear Call to Action which required to call them back
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