Your best copywriting resources

9 replies
hi guys

Am curious to know what copywriting resources
you guys have used over the years that have been most helpful?

which books? DVD's? Copywriters? Seminars?

Just interested to see what other people are reading,

#copywriting #resources
  • Profile picture of the author lhrowley
    Lately it's been "The Makepeace Method for Making a Fortune Writing Video Sales Copy" for me. It's quite extensive, but it has helped me improve my VSL writing skills tremendously.

    Really, though, my best resources are VSLs and sales pages that are currently live. I spend a couple hours a day just seeing what's out there... the good, the bad, and the absolutely dismal.

    If you've subscribed to a lot of marketers' lists over the years like I have, your email inbox is a great place to find letters and VSLs currently making the rounds. You'll benefit from the bad ones as much as from the good ones.
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  • Apart from your favourite guru's, books and seminars the best and most fun resource is…

    The Ads that bombard you day and night.

    Pick a few that appeal to you and spend a few minutes "deconstructing" them.

    What was good?

    What was bad?

    What was "missing"?

    And how could it be improved to get a better response. Or in some cases any response.


    P.S. Often you'll see potential clients haemorrhaging money on Ads that are destined to fail again and again.

    And with a touch of diplomacy you can contact the advertiser and tell them how you'll turn it into a winner.

    A few will tell you to go forth and multiply.

    Others are so grateful that you can help.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    My favorite resources are Richard Bayan's Words That Sell and my extensive swipe file, including Hodson's book, The Greatest Sales Letters of All Time, and Halbert's Motherlode Collection of Ads and Sales Letters.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rhino99
      Swipe-Worthy » Swipe File Archive » Marketing & Copywriting Examples - handy for ideas on micro stuff like unsubscribe boxes, email sign ups etc along with 50 or so classic sales letters

      Matt Ambrose Direct Response Copywriter

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      • Profile picture of the author MatthewRHallEsq
        Originally Posted by Rhino99 View Post

        Swipe-Worthy » Swipe File Archive » Marketing & Copywriting Examples - handy for ideas on micro stuff like unsubscribe boxes, email sign ups etc along with 50 or so classic sales letters
        This is a FANTASTIC resource - one I wish I'd known about a long time ago! Thank you VERY much for sharing!
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        • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
          I know this is going to be outside the box you're looking for but...

          Instead of reading I write a letter, squeeze page or other and then A/B test it.

          It's selling a real product and I pay for the advertising (usually Bing).

          You really take an interest in it when it's your money on the line.

          Then after doing this for years and cataloging the notes and elements that were successful and those that were not you get a really good understanding of copy that no book will ever teach you.

          I've been writing copy for over 30 years. I started in long copy direct mail sales letters.

          When you have a client whose giving you 5 figures for a letter you should A/B test it with the sales going to them and the cash to test it coming from you.
          Yeah, sure, it'll cost you $100 to $200. Or, depending on the niche you can test it with social media for free.

          Even if you spend $200 it's one percent or less of your fee, no big deal.

          Oh, and did I mention clients love it!

          Thank you, Patrick
          Free eBook =>
          The Secret To Success In Any Business
          Yes, Any Business!
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  • Profile picture of the author TjarkHartmann

    Tjark: Pronounced like "Jacques" in Jacques Cousteau.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    You'll learn a lot from: Marketing Bullets (Free.)
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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