WordPress Ecommerce Shopping Cart / Theme Options?

18 replies
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I've been searching whats out there and have checked out some demos but still trying to decide. This is new to me so simplicity and support area/forum are key. I would also like the framework to help w/ onpage SEO.

I don't need anything fancy or complicated,. Sites will just have custom tshirts and decals. So I've pretty much split this into 3 groups

Standalone shopping carts
  • Zen cart
  • Cs cart
  • Cube cart
  • Open cart
  • Ecommerce

Ecommerce 'friendly' themes, some w/ built in shopping cart
  • templatic themes
  • Market Theme
  • Eshop Emporium

What setup would you suggest (cart/theme) based on the requirements above? Are there any warrior built themes that could also work well that I may be overlooking?

I know I'm still going to run into problems starting out, I just want to minimize those problems by picking a good combination of cart/theme from the get go instead of tripping over myself because I unknowingly picked a complicated theme or cart.

#cart #ecommerce #options #shopping #theme #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert999
    What will help you in the right direction is deciding who is going to handle your merchant account (authorize.net, paypal, etc...) because ultimately you want the site setup that will handle items database and item prices, and charges with low issues.
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    • Profile picture of the author DaSlowMoseS
      My friends been on ebay for over 10 years, using paypal almost exclusively. We're just trying to get him setup on his own site to limit ebays take. He tried setting up a shop on godaddy store maker but it looked horrid and did nothing for him.

      Thanks for the tip, I guess I'll dig a little deeper.
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  • Profile picture of the author msafi
    Hi DaSlowMoseS, The good thing about WordPress shopping carts is that you are still using WordPress with all of its SEO powers. This doesn't apply to standalone ecommerce solutions (if they don't use proper semantic markup).

    Most shopping cart plugins have pre-built themes. And like you said, there are some themes with shopping cart functionality embedded already, such as Templatic Ecommerce, Market Theme, and also don't forget ShopperPress -- it has over 20 professional looking themes.

    Cart66 is currently building a theme marketplace. But you probably don't wanna wait for it, so have a look at Acquisto. It's a good theme for Cart66 and it's already out. The reason I bring up Cart66 is because it's a good and popular shopping cart plugin for WordPress. So, you might wanna consider it too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gregg
    I use S2Member in Wordpress. It is free and has the videos included in the back end. The functionality is great. I just have the free version and love it.

    For my "non Wordress" sites I use DLGuard. Easy to use.

    A word to the wise. Purchase domains through GoDaddy… do your hosting through HostGator. I started out with hosting at GoDaddy (still have several hosting accounts there) but you will get tired of all the BS that goes along with their hosting.

    If you need free info on how to point your GoDaddy domains to a hostgator or other hosting just click on the link below… I show you how I did it…..it's free.
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    • Profile picture of the author laurie390
      I created a site using Market theme and it was very easy to set up - shopping cart is included. There are some limitations - things they are still working on, but they seem willing to consider what you want and add it when they can.

      Laurie Neumann
      Huge PLR Closeout Sale at Quality Internet Marketing PLR

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    • Profile picture of the author msafi
      Originally Posted by Gregg View Post

      I use S2Member in Wordpress. It is free and has the videos included in the back end. The functionality is great. I just have the free version and love it.
      Gregg, s2Member is for creating membership sites. I don't think that's what DaSlowMoseS is trying to do.
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      • Profile picture of the author Gregg
        Originally Posted by msafi View Post

        Gregg, s2Member is for creating membership sites. I don't think that's what DaSlowMoseS is trying to do.

        yes… mainly for membership sites… my mistake. I offer individual downloads inside my membership sites, that what I was thinking. Thanks for the call out!
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        • Profile picture of the author msafi
          Originally Posted by Gregg View Post

          yes... mainly for membership sites... my mistake. I offer individual downloads inside my membership sites, that what I was thinking. Thanks for the call out!
          It's alright. I also thought you might've figured out a way to use s2Member to sell physical products to members exclusively -- or something like that...hehe...
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    • Profile picture of the author reemhameed
      Originally Posted by Gregg View Post

      I use S2Member in Wordpress. It is free and has the videos included in the back end. The functionality is great. I just have the free version and love it.

      For my "non Wordress" sites I use DLGuard. Easy to use.

      A word to the wise. Purchase domains through GoDaddy... do your hosting through HostGator. I started out with hosting at GoDaddy (still have several hosting accounts there) but you will get tired of all the BS that goes along with their hosting.

      If you need free info on how to point your GoDaddy domains to a hostgator or other hosting just click on the link below... I show you how I did it.....it's free.
      Thanks for the info! Really helped me out.
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  • Profile picture of the author eonic
    you might want to go for a bespoke ecommerce cms
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  • Profile picture of the author Mar
    Hmm - no-one's mentioned Amazon webstore (or whatever it's called). I haven't seen anyone commenting on it so know virtually nothing about it.

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    • Profile picture of the author fryguy173
      The Market Theme website has a free online demo that you can play around with before you purchase if that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author mingshen
    yeap good advise
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  • Profile picture of the author monkeytime1755
    not trying to hijack this thread but who can do wordpress work for me? i have a ecommerce wordpress website that needs some design work for the shopping cart and maybe some suggestions for the website. thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author sakthiganesh
    I recommend you to go for Wordpress+ Premium theme
    Because wordpress sites got rank better
    Easy to add more features via plugin ,with out a code edit - No dev required
    Easy social connect -Easy to use facebook,twitter connect

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