Market Samurai Keyword Phrase Competitiveness

1 replies
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Hi guys,

This is a particular keyword phrase that I'd like to optimize my niche's homepage to. I was wondering if I could get any input on its level of competitiveness and how long do you think it would take to rank on the first few ranks for this keyword phrase?

Please note that walmart and are also on the first page for this keyword.

The data was gathered from market samurai. Please click on the thumbnail for more details.

Thanks in advance!
#competitiveness #keyword #market #phrase #samurai
  • Profile picture of the author mattverick

    the screenshot is irrelevant if you don't tell us the keyprhase. I know you want to keep it secret but it would also help to know the exact search volume.

    How long will it take you to rank? Depends on how much time you are willing put into SEO, how good you are and many other factors..

    Your question tells me that you are not very experienced, so I would suggest you to read the free ebook provided by AdSense Flippers | AdSense Sites | Niche Websites | Internet Businesses For Sale

    Once you are done reading the guide and still don't know, come back..

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