eCommerce - Small Businesses vs. Big Businesses

1 replies
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Is it getting easier or is it getting more difficult for the small eBusiness owner to make money online via retail. For example are more buyers trusting smaller sites now and buying, or are the big businesses squeezing the small businesses out.

Some people say it's getting better for the small business owners because they can complete on a level playing field, whilst others say it is getting harder because realistically it's not a level playing field when they can not compete due to big businesses having more specific employees e.g. marketers, designers, in addition to more resources and spending power.

Can I ask for the views of others.
#big #business #businesses #ecommerce #small
  • Profile picture of the author ScooterDaMan
    I don't think there is really an answer to this. While it is true that bigger businesses have more resources to spend on things like content creation and social networking, that doesn't mean you can't compete. Quite often, you can find a bunch of longer tail keyword phrases that the Big Boys aren't optimizing for and when you add up all of those smaller search numbers they surpass the big, stiffer competition keyword phrases. There are tons more ways of driving traffic to a website than just the search engines, too.

    When I build an eCommerce website, my goal is to provide more information than anyone else and to make it look as professional as possible. If you do that, people have no reason to look elsewhere. They'll have no clue that you are just a little guy if you don't tell them.
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