What do you need to buy from a wholesale supplier ?

5 replies
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What exactly do you need and how much does it costs ? I currently sell on ebay but I want to make my business bigger. THANKS
#buy #supplier #wholesale
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel J
    A resale license/tax ID number is generally all you need- it's called different things in different states. This is what makes you legitimate business." You can usually call your county clerk's office for this information. When I started out, it was a matter of filling out a form, paying $10 and then registering with the IRS (they will give you everything you need). Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Importexport
    Originally Posted by lauraca94 View Post

    What exactly do you need and how much does it costs ? I currently sell on ebay but I want to make my business bigger. THANKS
    You don't need to prove anything to manufacturers in China who will welcome you with open arms and supply small orders at genuine ex-factory prices provided you approach them the right way.

    The prices you will pay are only a fraction of the price wholesalers will charge you. Not only will you be able to make your business bigger, but you will be able to make your profits massively bigger.

    Importing from your own home is easy.
    Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
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    • Profile picture of the author lauraca94
      umm do you have an idea of how i can find those manufacturers in china ?
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      • Profile picture of the author Importexport
        Originally Posted by lauraca94 View Post

        umm do you have an idea of how i can find those manufacturers in china ?

        The first thing you must do is ignore all the misinformation posted on forums about the best sites to search for suppliers. People make off the cuff suggestions without knowing all the facts.

        The one most often recommended on the forum is Alibaba, but they are not the only ones that I would avoid.

        If you want to get up to date quickly on sourcing sites I suggest you have a look through the thread: How Trustworthy is Alibaba.com?
        There are 37 posts on it at present so it wouldn't take too long to read, or at least skim through.

        What I teach is how to safely find real manufacturers, and one of the secrets to success in doing that is to only use safe sourcing sites where you can be confident about the bona fides of the suppliers listed. There are other issues such as how to be sure that it really is a manufacturer, how to negotiate small orders, how to be sure you are getting the best prices etc.

        On most popular sourcing sites the vast majority of suppliers listed as manufacturers are in reality traders or wholesalers, and you will never get the best prices from them. They are also much less likely to agree to reducing the MOQ than the factory will.
        Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel J
    I have found also that manufacturers in China require no business license/tax ID. However, this has often been required for me to clear the goods through customs or to receive the merchandise. Generally it is a good idea to have for tax purposes- it shows the IRS that you are not using these products (thus you do not need to pay use tax)
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