Advice on giving away videos as a Lead Magnet

4 replies
Hey guys,
I have a Youtube channel teaching song lessons on guitar and I'm beginning to build an email list.
I'm currently writing an ebook lead magnet that i'm going to give away, but I'm also thinking it'd be great to give away HD downloads of the lessons for offline use.

So my question is does any one have any advice on what platform I should use to host the videos and how to link it to a squeeze page?

Any recommendations would be SO helpful, I'm fairly new to this so I appreciate any help you guys have.

#advice #email list #giving #lead #lead magnet #magnet #videos #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author davetran01
    Anyone got any ideas?
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  • Profile picture of the author arpitamishra
    Can you make your question a little more clear? May be that's why you havent received any response yet
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    • Profile picture of the author davetran01
      Basically, what is going to be the easiest way of allowing people to download these free videos and at the same time get their email contact?

      Do I host on dropbox, then send a link?
      Or is there anything easier and more user intuitive?
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  • Profile picture of the author JaredBlake1
    I would zip up your mp4 and make it available along with the pdf on your download page you send them to after they sign up for your download. Access can also be password protected. However if you are planning on lots of mp4 files the best is hosting them with a Vimeo Pro or Amazon S3 account. I can easily build you a SmartMember membership site that would only allow access to a few videos and pdf's to free members and access to more advanced video's and pdf's for your paid members. Regards, James
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