4 replies
Hi, I've been looking for instructions for the following and Aweber support doesn't seem to know what I'm looking for:

How do I create a 2 step opt-in page that would have a button for accessing a free PDF report that I offer?

Then once they click on it, the next form would ask for their email address. I'm looking to get the ask for the email address AFTER the user clicks on the Free Report button offer form.

Anyone tried this?

#aweber #optin #step
  • Profile picture of the author markhimeb
    If I get it right you are looking for a page with a button that will redirect to another page with your option for. For what you conceive as step 1 you don't need a weber. All you need is a form with a button that you can create easily in many ways.
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  • Profile picture of the author cynthiaSEL
    Create a page that has a button that brings up your Aweber form.
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  • Profile picture of the author geowanda
    Thanks for the replies. If the first form is a hover form, i don't need aweber?Just some html coding?
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  • Profile picture of the author Robsn
    Hey Geowanda!

    I know what you are talking about! You won't be able to do it in Aweber.. I personally use OptimizePress for all my opt in pages and all other pages I need. There you have the option to create a two step opt-in!

    But otherwise you have the option to create a simple page with aweber with all of the squeeze page steps, but except the opt in where they put in their email, you will have a button. If they click on that button, they will be taken to another form build with aweber.

    But to be honest, I wouldn't choose the second option, since people will get lost on the way. That way your overall opt in rate will decrease!

    Hope that helps

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