37%attendance increase with a little growth hack

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Hi Warriors,

Just wanted to share a little growth hack we just tested with some interesting results.

I am sure you will have seen the little buttons that allow you to populate a message on a persons twitter when they click. I really like these but find that they tend to be used quite poorly they tend to be too obvious call to actions to a ice cold audience.

So to test an idea we had a client hosting a webinar with 103 people booked to attend. After about 5 minutes of the webinar 83 people were in attendance. After we asked people to click on the social media button the attendance grew to 114.

Now this is only one test and we need to do more to confirm results but its interesting.

Oh the tweet was simple

I'm about to do webinar with @clientsname. Please don't disturb me for the next hour

the @clientsname took them to the clients twitter page which included a link to a sales page where they could sign up for the webinar
#37% #37%attendance #attendence #growth #hack #increase #webinar

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