Super Affiliate Machine? (SAM)

by Marian
17 replies
Hi guys, anyone already tried the new Super Affiliate Machine (SAM) by Austin E. Anthony?

It looks like a good automation solution - but are the articles and content of value?

From what I saw the system is (unfortunately) web based.

#affiliate #machine #sam #super
  • Profile picture of the author apollocreed
    I was just about to post the exact same question right now after seeing it being ranked highly in JVZoo. It seems to be aslo called "30 Day Super Affiliate".
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    • Profile picture of the author thegreatwarrior
      I was one of the first to purchase it and so far...I have mixed feelings.

      The keyword competition feature doesn't quite work as well as it did in the demo video (at least, not in Firefox).

      The Select button is overlapped by the keyword rating. I can't even click on Select (which I assume saves the keyword into a collection for you to use later).

      I think that, maybe, there are a few bugs in the system that need to be corrected. It sucks when products are launched with glaring bugs like this. (I think it may have been rushed.)

      I've been emailing their customer support, and getting replies, so we'll see how it goes.

      Another thing that raised an eyebrow for me was that it only featured a 10-day return/refund period. I'm not a serial refunder, but10 days isn't enough for someone to honestly see results from the system.

      Not only was it a 10-day refund period for the main product, but for one of the upsells (30-Day Super Affiliate), it was also only a 10-day period.

      Now...since it's a 30-day program, why not give a 30- or 60-day trial period? Why only 10 days?

      I'll continue to see if this product is a keeper, but so far, I have my doubts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    Actually, the guarantee on the main product is 60 days but it's one of those conditional ones where you have to show that you've used the system to "the fullest", done everything they've told you to do, let them help you, etc.

    If you leap those hurdles and it doesn't work they'll give back double the purchase price.

    I bought it partly on the suggestion of a couple of people I trust but I haven't had time to explore it yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author liwern
    I heard the first one is $67, the second one is recurring $19 if I'm not mistaken.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrjasonser
      There are 2 OTOs after your purchase as follows:

      (OTO 1) 30 Day Super Affiliate blueprint -- $67 One Time Payment
      which the creator will show you the method he used since 2008 to create and rank high profitable sites and (2 )$1 Trial For 5 Days Then $19 per Month For SerpSuite

      (OTO 2):SerpSuite Rank Tracker Tool - $1 Trial For 5 Days followed by $19 per month
      This software was sold last year around July in JV Zoo, but we cant find it now as it is kind of bundled as an OTO here I guessed. You can serach in You Tube for it and will find the sales video and a "review" sales video if you know what I mean.
      I Don't Speak The Queen's English, But I Say What I Mean and Mean What I Say.

      Here is where I work now:

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  • Profile picture of the author PaidAllDay
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  • I think you can't use your existing domains with this.
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  • Profile picture of the author liwern
    Is Hostgator the ONLY hosting that will work on this?
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  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyLambert
    Does anyone know *where* the content comes from on the option to let the system build it for you? I have people asking me. I'm not promoting it, and don't use it so I have no idea and the person who asked the product owners simply replied something like, "You can also add your own."

    So she's wanting to know how THEIR system creates content for you. Is it scraped and spun or what?
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  • Profile picture of the author tadco
    Can I use this on my own Hosting?

    I have a re-sellers account with HostGator.



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  • Profile picture of the author barryc
    thanks for this thread, the last thing I need is a software with quality control issues thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjshu99
    I was just looking at this. So basically its a content writer?
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  • Profile picture of the author rslaing
    Very disappointing. Had this a month and still can't get it to work. Tried all computations for server settings and it is still stuck in an endless loop of "waiting for authentication from your server" - even though I have also tried it on an open port. I have my own server and domain name and it won't even cross the first hurdle of installing Wordpress. I've tried the "customer service" and they just send a generic pdf with answers that are obviously addressing a problem encountered by many. They even put a video out after production with the same answers, but the answers don't work. I'll give them a week and I'll be asking for a refund. I've really wasted enough time on this.
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    • Profile picture of the author rslaing
      I shouldn't have left it a week. The charlatan that marketed this POS now tells me that it only has a 10 day refund window. People, remember this man, and please, don't buy anything. It really is not what it says on the tin. I bought another product, not knowing he was the marketer, from his afilliate, and that is an abject failure too. BE WARNED!
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    • Profile picture of the author hank839
      Yes, have the same problem.
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