Pocket Brand, any thought?

15 replies
Hi guys,
I received several emails about Ian Del Carmen's new product.
Has anyone tried it?
#brand #pocket #thought
  • Profile picture of the author jprano
    I got the pre launch emails too. Looks interesting, I have sent Ian a couple of emails with no reply as of yet. I had some questions.

    Is Pocket Brand Appstore for developers only?
    Does it come loaded with content and inventory?
    If not do you provide info as to where an how we can get content?
    Is there support in place for store owners?

    Is there a Q&A call scheduled?

    That's just off the top of my head.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ian del Carmen
    Thanks for the interest guys!

    To answer some questions:

    Is Pocket Brand Appstore for developers only?
    Nope. Watch this video: You Received A Video Postcard!

    Does it come loaded with content and inventory?
    Yes. Includes the Starter Set of mobile ebooks and ringtones. More to come...

    If not do you provide info as to where an how we can get content?

    Is there support in place for store owners?
    Of course! FIREBALL HELP - The Official Help Desk and Support System of Fireball Planet Corporation and Ian del Carmen

    Ian del Carmen

    PS: jprano, never received your email btw bro...
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  • Profile picture of the author jprano
    Yeah I sent the emails to support (at)fireballonline.com on Dec 3
    I appreciate your reply Ian.
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  • Profile picture of the author cadoutsource
    I am also very interested in the product and looking for content solutions
    The video explains some of my questions. I do understand the potential but want a little more info on where to get more content.
    Thanks for your reply Ian.
    May Success Overtake You!
    My smartphone Pays Me
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    • Profile picture of the author Bcrewse1
      Same here. I am very interested in getting into this but how to aquire more content is the question. Just some basic searches reveal that there are several companies out there with app stores and some of them have tons of content...now...where did they get it all???

      Also, are there other ways to monitize the site such as having the ability to add adsense and selling ad space to other companies??

      Ian? Or anyone else have some answeres?

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  • Hi Guys. I purchased this product on Tuesday 3rd of December 2009. I did so mainly because at the top of the site was a huge warning that the product was going up by the hour. Not wanting to miss on a good deal I decided to make a huge sacrifice and use the cash I had that was needed for something very important (yeah. Like you've never done that) So I did. I am still waiting on a reply from Ian Del carmen after sending him a lot of emails with my questions and concerns. I guess he's too busy having fun to care about his customers. Why launch a huge product and then take off to Hong Kong with your family and be ignoring the requests of your customers. I dont mind anyone doing what they want to do just dont ignore me after taking my money. Put some sort of customer service in place before you go on Vacation. My first query came about the fact that the price never went up by the hour as he claimed it would. When i wrote him about it he promptly changed the wording on the site to price increasing ANYTIME soon. This changed after i wrote and asked him about it, asking him if that was a scarcity tactic. Well it was guys. The price almost one week later is the same and It never went up by the hour as he claimed. Now I don't know about you, but any marketer doing this to me usually loses any respect I have for him not to mention the fact I feel like I cant trust him. A mans word is a mans bond. Let your Yes be yes and your no be no. That's how it should be.

    According to his site the price one week later should be $497. Thats tomorrow. Lets see what happens then. Im sure it will still be $147 unless he reads this and tries to save face by increasing the price. (hmmmm)

    So he has these one time offers that are not really one time offers cause Im able to go back there and get those "one time offers" anytime. Just visit my history and voila. I can access those pages anytime I want to. That's not a one time offer but an anytime offer. One of them says "get 60 days of free support and updates, Which I took. But the main reason i took it was because of this line: Free Inclusion to Pocket Brand App Store for 60 Days.

    I took it. This is what it has in the members area of that section:
    content here
    content here
    content here
    content here
    content here
    content here

    Im not kidding. That's what it has in that section.

    I mean yeah we get 60 days free and we get billed after that
    but geez. Nothing? Wheres the inclusion to the so called Pocket

    Brand App Store. There was no apps. Nada

    I also did an evaluation of the software. There are a few area that need a lot of work like the sign up form. Its not user friendly. Try signing up and you'll see what i mean. Especially when you try to select your country and your Birthdate

    Now don't get me wrong. Its a great idea this software and the concept is superb. But the truth is I don't think he was ready to launch this and he did. Hence the lack of support for a paying customer who took 2 OTO's. I'm very close to asking for a refund for my money as I cant stand poor customer service and I honestly feel like I was deceived with the scarcity tactic. I don't like marketers who use deceptive tactics. You can never really trust them at what they say or take their word.

    I gave him ample time to reply to my questions but he never once took time out of his busy schedule in Disney Land Hong Kong to reply to me once. Not even saying I'm on vacation I'll be back on so and so date and I'll help you with these issues you're having. Thge mails promoting the product constantly kept coming though. (Yeah I know. Autoresponder) It don't make me any less angry though.

    Personally. Its a great concept and software that seems to be poorly handled and in the wrong hands.

    Note this is the first time in the 5 yrs I have been online that I have written something like this. I don't ever complain about anything but enough is enough. Its time I put my foot down and speak up. I hate injustice and I hate liars more than anything. If you want to sell me something don't lie about it and don't deceive me into buying your product and then on top of that leave me hanging. I mean it took this long for me to write this as I'm a fair person and gave him adequate time to reply and let me know something. Instead he chose to ignore me and now Lyndon is super pissed.

    That's my 2 cents about this whole thing. i will probably do a video review about this as well later on in the week.

    P.S. To answer the question above there is no where to add Adsense or monetize the script unless you get a programmer from Scriptlance to do it for you. We are also not told where to get content other that from him and when i signed up for the content (inclusion to the app store) I got a blank page saying "content here" repeated a few times.)
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    • Profile picture of the author philiate
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      • Profile picture of the author Bcrewse1
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    • Profile picture of the author AvaCorinne
      Attention all Pocketbrand App Store owners:

      Hello! I'm Ava.

      Like many of you, I've been excited about the concept and have even been on the phone with lawyers etc about licensing rights for many different kinds of products. By the way, my site is cellphoneappsgalore (with a com at the end...they won't let me send this with a link because it is my first post?) and I had to reload it onto my server (due to a mistake I made loading another site) but that turned out to be a good learning experience in itself. I am using Hostgator and they really are amazingly helpful and you can always get them on the phone! And I should also let you know that I'm a newbie although I've listened to enough guru webinars to feel like I've been doing this forever!

      Here are my issues - anyway -with the software I obtained. After I got off a cloud and landed on the ground related to the IDEA of the whole thing, today I decided to test the software and see if it worked and maybe even register before I load up a book or ringtone (again) to buy. So, I pretended I was going to buy one of the fake items that is still on my site - I figured maybe it would even let me pay for them - even if they never download.

      Well, guess what? I didn't get that far - something just totally didn't seem right. Where was the box that asked who the provider was? I remembered from the demo video that there was a place to say which provider you were with. So, I went back and watched the demo again and sure enough, the registration form was alot shorter - maybe only 4 fields - which is much better, and one of them was mobile provider - duh! OK
      so I went back to my site and realized that where there should have been mobile provider there was a field for FAX? I checked some of your sites by going to pocketbrand.net and the ones I checked also had the FAX field. I went into the Admin Panel and couldn't find the 200 mobile providers listed anywhere. Am I missing something? Somebody? I feel like maybe I'm living in an alternative world! I picked up the phone and called Ian and left a very long message! Then I sent the Tech Department a very long message.

      Next - when I looked at the demo it said there was a place on the top - like an ABOUT page where we could list whatever we want - such as FAQ, policies, help desk, whatever. I don't see it. Do you?

      Ian, I really hope you are listening. I suggest a webinar for all the owners immediately so this can all be straightened out - and definitely I think you should extend the free 60 days of I guess hosting for those who host with you because actually the software, I believe, is nonfunctional, unless I'm missing something. Again, maybe I downloaded a bad batch of files? Hah!

      Also, does everyone agree with me that the registration form should be as few fields as possible? I think we should have an option to add fields as we like but if not, I prefer to keep it simple. Of course, this is all a mute point if everyone else is in the same position as I am.

      I feel this is - well, an emergency. And I'm super disappointed. Anyone?
      I would have started a new thread but I just signed up to this forum as a member and I'm not sure how to sooo I hope you all see this. Looking forward to rapid responses!

      Thank you Thank you!

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  • Profile picture of the author pearsonbrown
    Please review the product, not the person who provides the product.


    Pearson Brown
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    • Profile picture of the author jprano
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  • Profile picture of the author Ian del Carmen
    Thanks to my friend Craig Beckta for emailing me about what's happening in this thread. And thanks to Pearson Brown , I appreciate it.

    cadoutsource and Bcrewse1, we will be providing a list of mobile content providers to Pocket Brand users soon. Watch out for a broadcast from me after this launch week... We just never thought this would be this big this early and my team is working 24/7 to server everybody as fast as we can.

    philiate, we never said it is "fully populated" with content. We only sell the system. But we provided some bonus content so users can get started. The products in the demo are just demos and never mentioned part of the package. Don't worry, we'll take care of you. As I said, this is just the beginning. And yes, some hiccups during this stage... and I apologize for that.

    Lyndon Victor Irvine, I'm sorry if that's what you feel. Could be part of marketing, yes. BUT real reason is that Clickbank has not yet approved our price increase and that benefits everyone. They are limiting as to sell at $150 as of the moment. But after this launch week, you'll be happy you bought early because there will REALLY be a price increase... And because of this, we can only keep this low price until we end this launch period on Clickbank. As of writing, 3 days left...

    Some explanations also, I lost my Internet connection here in my new home and the repair guys say it would take 3 days! Jeez! So I can only access the Internet through my iPhone's 3G (thanks Steve Jobs!) ... But rest assured everyone is being taken cared of. My team got Internet connection and they can always assist you. Just please bear with us. Just use this central system if and when you need anything: FIREBALL HELP - The Official Help Desk and Support System of Fireball Planet Corporation and Ian del Carmen

    Ian del Carmen
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  • Thanks Ian. Don't sweat it. That's all I needed. Some contact. Its all good. Take care. I do love the product a lot
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumaryan85
    Wow, i'm glad I posted this thread. Now I can make informed decision.
    Thanx to Lyndon and Ian.
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  • Profile picture of the author JETSGIRL
    I honestly don't know what I'd do without having the Warrior Forum accessible to us all. Thank you to all of you for your honest opinions on your experiences. I myself have been struggling with this decision. Its up in the air.. Certainly a no brainer where mobile industry is and is heading in the future, Id just hate setting a business up, put in all the blood sweat & tears only to find I chose the wrong place to do so. Now could it just be because the program hasnt fully launched yet?- (lack of content?) We will be able to sell our own products in our stores correct? Im curious to know how others are choosing to do the hosting part, thinking Id prefer my own, but good offer to have pocket brand do the hosting..any comments on this?
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