API-50 and other affiliate stuff

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Hi Everyone,

Well I had asked in another thread, about this API-50 if it was any good or not. the answer is Yes and no.

After plunking down my $97, I received a CD. On that CD were three files. One was a piece of software giving you a way of practicing the techniques in the second file wihch was the actual document. the third file was an autorun file for the practice software.

The document discusses double trading in oil. Ok, so where it's good is that it has some builtin margins so you don't get burned.

The bad part is discussing this with one of the suggested Trading brokers is that one of the requirements is that you have to be already employed, and you have to have at least a couple of grand sitting around to pay the margin costs and the brokers cost. Otherwise, the system looks like it could really work.

On the downside, there is NO! customer support. Never heard of any product where you just buy it, and no customer support to help you through the thing. Needless to say, I got my money back.

Now for the questions. Anyone use this Google Snatch yet? also, have some questions about James Jordan's "My cash Printer." also, anyone try out this "my email cash Project" yet?

This Jenifer Johnson with the supposed certified course on the Ebay Auction lister, that looks like a lot of the same stuff from Kathy Banks. You look at Kathy Banks on the web, and the comments are not glowing at all. So is this Jenifer Johnson also just crap too?

I haven't bought any of this stuff, because it looks good, but when you do a bit of digging, you start to wonder, "Wy this or that person has to be hide behind a name for? Makes you wonder if this is fraudulent stuff here. So if anyone has an answer about what is really good out there, I am interested.

I'm tired of being on lists and more lists, to get what the same stuff from everyone else. So thanks for any comments and suggestions you can give to this newbie once I get started.

Ray Bronk
#affiliate #api50 #stuff

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