Review of Craig Michael's Plrnicheclub

4 replies
I decided to review this product because I think it is an excellent stepping stone for beginners to get into the ebook business. Sometimes those of us who have been at this for awhile forget the perspective of the complete beginner. It is not easy to write a step by step guide assuming your reader has no knowledge and almost no money. Craig Michael's has succeeded here with his Plrnicheclub.

If you have been around internet marketing any amount of time I am sure you are aware of Clickbank. Clickbank has a multi million dollar business based almost exclusively on selling ebooks. Amazon now has an ebook reader called "The Kindle." It is one of their hottest items. Always sold out. The ebook business is hot and getting hotter. It is a great business too because when someone purchases an ebook it is almost 100% profit and it is delivered immediately online. You do not have shipping, printing or storage costs. I do not personally own any original ebooks(I should) but just by recommending a few in my newsletters occasionally I make an additional $300-$350. per week. The ebook business is a good business!

Craig Michael's takes the total beginner and puts him in the ebook business with his club. You get 2 original ebooks each month written just for the club. These are not the same PLR products you see floating around Ebay these are quality ebooks written on hot topics that you can sell now. Included with the ebooks are beautiful websites with attractive graphics, pre written autoresponder letters for your email marketing campaigns, keywords for your ppc campaigns,and 10 keyword rich articles written specifically for each niche to post on social media for valuable backlinks.

In the support section Craig also provides easy to understand step by step video and written instructions on how to get your websites online and taking money in the absolute most cost effective way. He also shows you how to personalize your websites so they are "you."

Included in your membership as well is a membership to another club, which has thousands of PLR products in almost any niche imaginable. These additional PLR products are not exclusive as are the two original products your get each month but you could find creative uses for these such as giveaways for newsletters, material for blog posts, bonuses or ebook compilation products.

I realize more experienced marketers might look askance at the idea or reselling PLR products but it can work. Remember Instant Internet Empires? There are some marketers who started selling that package and went on to build huge businesses. By the way I sold those ebooks individually not just the biz opp when it was out. It worked.

I believe Craig Michael's PLRnicheclub could be a great stepping stone to creating your own original ebooks and selling them. Craig will teach you the ropes step and step and you take it from there. The ebook business is one of the best online businesses to get into.

I also did a video review of this product here.
Review of Craig Michael's Plrnicheclub Ebook Resale Rights Club
#craig #michael #plrnicheclub #review
  • Profile picture of the author Raiel Schwartz

    Wow! I just wanted to thank you for the review.
    And for all other warriors I am Craig Michaels,
    so if you ever have any specific problems/concerns
    you can just as easily reach me here.

    Craig Michaels
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  • Profile picture of the author LightningZsolt
    Matthew, thanks for your honest perspective of Craig Michaels' PLRNicheClub. And I like your QuickRegister review blog, and how you actually interact with your blog readers instead of having a one-sided ego-fest.

    Without meaning any disrespect, I just have a general question about such products as this PLR Niche Club... Assuming a handful of, say, 300 people join this club, wouldn't you now have 300 people trying to sell the same niche-targeted product? How is this different or better than selling someone's product as an affiliate? Now instead of just sending people to a link, you have to manage payments, refunds, customer service, site maintenance, etc. Doesn't sound very "newbie" friendly to me.

    I understand the usefulness of PLR (and often will use PLR content myself), but how many different versions of a book can really be made before everyone is selling the same thing and trying to call it their own? Wouldn't this decrease one's credibility? I mean, imagine how peeved I would be if I bought a book called "101 Ways to Prevent Diabetes" in the ClickBank marketplace, only to buy another book called "Surefire Methods to Prevent Diabetes" and read it and see that it's pretty much the same as the first book I bought, only with some paragraphs re-arranged or deleted or every 5th word changed to a different synonym?

    Same goes for the 10 articles you get with each book. Won't it look a little odd to see basically the same article all over Google promoting a book on the same topic but with a different title? Wouldn't that confuse the consumer to a point where they think "Ah gee...they seem the same to me! Which one should I buy?" At least with affiliate referrals it's not a matter of "which one should I buy", it's "who do I buy from".

    Granted, I could see the benefit to having 2 niche PLR eBooks a month. But I don't think it would be as a main product, trying to compete with every other person with the same PLR product. I see it as more beneficial being a back-end or bonus item, rather than a main bread-winner. Perhaps as a means of attracting subscribers to build a targeted e-mail list. But then you would get into a situation where some people are trying to charge $20+ for the book, and others are offering it for $1 or even free to try and build their list and make up for it with back-end sales. This would ultimately devalue the PLR product even more.

    Though my comments may seem negative, I'm simply expressing some genuine concerns over the type of product you're endorsing, and would love for you to possibly explain it in such a way that it seems more like a good idea for beginners (or seasoned experts for that matter).

    On a side note, Craig Michaels undoubtedly offers a great product. I have used his PLR content several times in the past, and the quality of his content is superior to any other PLR content I have seen elsewhere thus far. So to me there is no question that you'll get a high quality product when you join his PLR club. My only concern is with the method by which some are recommending this content be used.
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    • Profile picture of the author quickregister
      Hi Zsolt. I think your comments have merit. Here are a couple of points to consider. First Craig goes into detail about how to personalize the letters and website content to make it your own. Yes, it is not the same as an ebook you personally wrote or researched but it does add some exclusivity. Second, even among those who sign up very few will actually even promote it. The sad truth. Not as many people will promote each of these two ebooks as you might think. I remember Tony Robbins say that most people who bought his courses never even went through the first chapter. Also, the ebooks are exclusive to the club. They are not
      being sold everywhere. Here is the big point. This is a stepping stone for beginners. Most of us who have been doing internet marketing for awhile think like more advanced marketers and assume everyone knows what we know. They do not. Craig takes the beginner step by step into getting into his own ebook business. Then once he has mastered the basics he now knows how to get his own original information products out there. I always look for products that are good for beginners. Craig really holds your hand. You do not need this as much but others do. I bet even you could learn from his stuff though. I did. Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
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  • Profile picture of the author LightningZsolt
    Matthew, thank you for your great reply. I suppose you're right...I forgot the fundamental truth that most people are lazy, at least occassionally. And I'll admit, I have been guilty from time to time of buying a product and never even opening it (or waiting 6+ months while it collects dust before I stumble upon it and go "oh yeah. I should take a look at that"). So that alone would take the sample 300 people down to about 15 that actually take action. I guess one could come up with 15 substantially differerent products and promotional materials using PLR.

    And I can see how these niche products might be a good beginning crash course in eBook marketing, to let a "newbie" get their feet wet with little investment and see if it's something they could later expand on and feel more comfortable making their own products from scratch, which even for a more experienced marketer is daunting enough. I tend to also forget that newcomers to Internet (or eBook) marketing don't know everything that I know (or, rather, think I know) and are looking for a relatively simple, straightforward and non-overwhelming way to learn their new business. In that regard, I can see how such a program as the PLRNicheClub would be a great start for them.

    And there's no doubt that I would learn a thing or two from Craig, as I have learned from him in the past. I almost always learn something new (or a new way of thinking about something) with every product I buy and read. Because even though I like to think so sometimes, I don't know everything

    Thank you again for your further explanations, and taking the time to respond to my comments.
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