Dirt Cheap Autoresponder

3 replies
Has anyone bought Dirt Cheap Autoresponder and is it really as good as it makes out?

A paid for Autoresponder could be better value for someone who does not need all the bells and whistles that Aweber or Getresponse have and who's list is growing slowly.

A couple of month's subscription to the named above Autoresponder services will pay for Dirt Cheap Autoresponder.

Of course if you can recommend better, please do.
#autoresponder #cheap #dirt
  • Profile picture of the author Hortensia
    Yeah it's good. Of course there is Autoresponse Plus, with more options, but that's also almost 200 dollars.

    But dcauto is fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisha5684
    I am also wondering if Dirt Cheap autoresponder is good. I'm lookin to possible change up my autoresponder stuff, so if this works well, then I will probably go with it.

    If anyone has tried it recently, let me know.


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    • Profile picture of the author ocmnet
      Problem with all self-owned AR is the hosting restrictions on # of messages you can send an hour. Most have a max limit of 200/hr.

      Then you have to worry about getting your primary domain put on a SPAM list.

      It is only somewhat reasonable if you have your own dedicated hosting or a small list of several hundred at best, and no plans to expand it.
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