Loving Blogging Underground by Liebner

3 replies
HI guys,
years ago I wanted a simple and easy way to build sites but got deep into article underground with no way to learn how to simply put up tester sites that might make me a little money.

I used Brian Johnson's SEO Press formula, which I think has fallen by the wayside like Auto Content Cash (I think that morphed into Commission Ritual)
Good products, but not the basics.

I'm fond of Mike Liebner's approach for the absolute newbie. Build this basic html page, get it ranked, then add a simple wordpress install. The work comes in adding pages and then backlinking.

But it's the basics.
I'm not putting any links to it here, I just wanted to say I liked it, and it helped me simplify.

#blogging #liebner #loving #underground
  • Profile picture of the author linklady
    Just make sure you know...that if you cancel you subscription that all of your time and effort put into the Blogging Undergound back links will go bye bye!
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    • Profile picture of the author WendellC
      Originally Posted by linklady View Post

      Just make sure you know...that if you cancel you subscription that all of your time and effort put into the Blogging Undergound back links will go bye bye!
      According to Mike's FAQ this is not true -- if you cancel your subscription you get to keep the links as long as your sites are still in good standing: not banned by Google, not a spammy site, etc.

      FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions | Blogging Underground

      List your no opt-in product here for free: No Opt In Required

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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Glad you found something that you liked and followed...I hope it continues to work for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jpaige
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