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I had the good fortune to get my hands on an advance copy of Viral PDF Master and it's truly a fantastic piece of software. I'm currently using it to turn every one of my free reports into automated list building agents and I may try it with a couple of the affiliate programs I promote.

What software does is allow you to place your opt-in form (or any other message) inside of your pdfs instead of on a squeeze page. In actuality, visitors are becoming so ambivalent to the squeeze page anyway so why bother with it in situations when you have something better.

With Viral PDF Master, I can permit my visitors to download my free reports without asking them for anything upfront. Only after they have the report in their hot little hands and are all fired up to read it do I ask for their contact information. In my opinion, this software may really increase my opt-in rates. Furthermore, whatever message I choose to place in the pdf, stays there even if the report is passed around. This means that every single person who obtains the report will be exposed to my personal message and/or opt-in form.

There are several options with this software for me to be as aggressive or passive as I wish in my pursuit of the visitor's contact information.
I can ask for their information at the beginning or the end of the report or both. Alternatively, I don't have to ask for contact information at all.

I can simply provide the visitor with a greeting or direct them to another website. If I decide to ask the reader for contact information before he or she reads the report, I can set the report to close if they refuse to provide the information or allow them to continue reading without providing it.

In my personal opinion, if the visitor is downloading the report from my website or someplace where I have control, I'd prefer to ask for the contact information at the end. Demanding an email address before the reader views the report opens the door for hundreds of '123@noplace.com' type emails. Of course, if your autoresponder is set for double opt-in, it will catch this bogus email but why bother.

I'd rather ask at the end and even if they refuse, I can still send them to the website of my choosing. If I were placing my free report on a 'download-anything-that-isn't-nailed-down' site, I would definitely choose a more aggressive approach to contact mining. However, that's the beauty of the software; it allows you to create different approaches depending on where your report is going to be offered.

The downsides.
You can't have a proper review without exploring these, however there are only a couple of them and for most of us, they won't prevent Viral PDF Master from becoming a powerful piece of your moneymaking arsenal.
  1. It does not create a pdf from your word processing document. You still need to create the pdf using some other method. Once you have your completed pdf then you run it through Viral PDF Master to set it up to start bringing you leads.
  2. While it is impossible for the reader to block the message windows completely, the security feature within newer versions of Adobe will warn the visitor about the message window and will ask them if they want to open it. This is another reason why I like asking for the contact information at the end of the report. Therefore, somewhere in the report I can tell them to 'Stay Tuned for an Important Offer at the end of this report'. So even if they don't allow the first window to open they're most likely to read the last one.

That's it. It's a great piece of software with a lot of functionality. I've attached a promotion free pdf with Viral PDF Master installed so you all can see how it works. No opt-ins just message boxes.
Attachment 6465
#master #pdf #viral

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