xsite pro 2 technical questions

1 replies
Hello everyone

I have already decided that I am buying xsite pro 2, but have some technical questions:
1.Is it possible to use same one copy of program on totally different 2 computers because I am considering to share costs with my friend and buy one copy for two people?
2.Can Seo analyzing tools which are in Xsite do analysis on content in different language than English?

Thanks in advance for help
#pro #questions #technical #xsite
  • Profile picture of the author coco28
    I'm pretty sure the answer to Q1 would be no. Usually when you buy software you buy a single license, which means you can only install it on one computer. You could email their support to check this out, but pretty sure its one license, one machine.

    There are some good free tools available for creating websites, I would maybe look at them before you spend money on XSitePro... Have a look at Microsoft Web Developer, its free - http://www.microsoft.com/express/vwd/
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