Ultimate Profit Empire

21 replies
Anyone purchased Ultimate Profit Empire by Alex Jeffreys?

What's it all about and is it worth the asking price?

Are the upsells any good?
#empire #profit #ultimate
  • Profile picture of the author kokester
    Looking at the sales page now and wondering pretty much the same thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author sohosources
    I purchased the course, but not the upsells.

    All of the material is downloadable except the video tutorials, which is a deal-breaker for me. I can't, in good faith, purchase a product that can be taken away from me at any time simply by turning off the "members page," etc.

    The "support" page listed in JVZoo provides no support of any kind.

    Right now, it's not looking too good...

    I will refund the product if support /solutions are not forthcoming.

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  • Profile picture of the author J.Agnew.JD
    THANKS sohosources! I don't trust this guy without some respected WF member actually making a profit. Sales hype sounds "too good to be true" touting that a 3 page mini-site will make any money these days -- let alone the thousands his "testimonials" say they are making.

    Once again the GREAT Warrior Forum saved me from pulling the trigger!

    Jack Agnew, JD, PhD

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    • Profile picture of the author sohosources

      I finally found a link to a zendesk address and asked about the videos. I received this (not the complete response):

      "The support desk is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm UK time. Any tickets submitted over the weekend or out of hours will be received the following day or Monday morning and will begin
      processing then. Once received we will try to get back to you within 2 TO 3 WORKING (not including weekends), although at the moment due to a huge influx of new customers this may be longer..."

      I don't know about you, but because the author is a multimillionaire IM Guru, I think he could afford more responsive tech support.

      I hope the material proves me wrong, but the program seems to be primarily a sales funnel for one-on-one coaching. Now, if I wanted coaching, I would have purchased it. What I want is a reasonable way to use three-page web sites to make "$350 a day."

      As I review the material in more detail, I hope I find it

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      • Profile picture of the author sohosources
        No reply from the product creators yet, but the affiliate that I purchased through said he'd try to supply the vids in DL format if the creators hadn't responded in a week or so.

        Decent offer, and appreciated.

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  • Profile picture of the author njs10
    I purchased this yesterday, having read alot about Alex online and his success story.

    The Profit Empire is a module based course, run over a series of videos, but there is also a downloadable .pdf of the course to act as support - I think a mp3 is also imminent.

    I didn't opt for the upsells, but irrespective of that, there were a number of bonuses which I found extremely useful - if only to gain a little more information.

    I'm completely new IM, but the "course" has already given me a little focus and insight into the mind of someone who has achieved success, and gives a plan for those who are muddled by the overload of information and "get rich" WSO's etc.

    Cheers Alex!.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mbrownseo
    I believe Alex focuses on product creation... Can anyone who has bought the product confirm that?
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    • Profile picture of the author sohosources
      Alex may indeed focus on product creation, but what he seems to focus on most of all is selling (or upselling) his various coaching programs

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  • Profile picture of the author njs10
    In this course, he goes through the process of selection of a niche, product creation etc BUT it is very much an overview and hence I would suggest it's a good course to read IN ADDITION to other information you may have already, or source elsewhere.

    The bonus information etc was all worth considerably more than the paltry £6.50 ish it cost
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    • Profile picture of the author sohosources
      I asked tech support for the videos in downloadable form and they automatically refunded me

      Attention Product Creators: If someone wants to steal and post your vids they can simply screen capture them. This crappy form of "DRM" only pisses off legitimate purchasers...like me. Ooops. Formerly like me, as you've now refunded me without so much as a polite conversation.

      IMO, this is what happens to marketers that make too much money. They don't seem to care about individual customers...they just care about the "average profit per click," shoveling aside any potential issues, product revisions, etc.

      Buyer Beware

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      • Profile picture of the author alex.jeffreys
        Originally Posted by sohosources View Post

        I asked tech support for the videos in downloadable form and they automatically refunded me

        Attention Product Creators: If someone wants to steal and post your vids they can simply screen capture them. This crappy form of "DRM" only pisses off legitimate purchasers...like me. Ooops. Formerly like me, as you've now refunded me without so much as a polite conversation.

        IMO, this is what happens to marketers that make too much money. They don't seem to care about individual customers...they just care about the "average profit per click," shoveling aside any potential issues, product revisions, etc.

        Buyer Beware

        I'm sure you would have asked for a refund. in order for my support team to give you a refund.

        I don't believe Laura or Ben would have just refunded you because you asked for the videos to be in downloadable format. it just doesn't make sense.

        making the videos downloadable....is something we've never thought of doing. however I will raise this with my tech team and in the future maybe we'll have videos downloadable. so thanks for making us aware of this.

        Alex Jeffreys
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  • Profile picture of the author wholesaleidiot
    I did buy it. I wish I hadn't. I tried to notify him that the PDF is garbled, but the service desk link is broken. I bought "The Cash Box Blueprint" and regret that as well. There is no instruction that I can find. Just ideas and principals that he holds dear. He hasn't answered my private message.
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    • Profile picture of the author wholesaleidiot
      This is the link to the support desk. The PDF is broken as well. Looks like outsourcing might need a supervisor, huh?

      : array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /home/adminaj/public_html/wp-content/plugins/post-content-shortcodes/class-post-content-shortcodes.php on line 230

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      Home Page Test Content
      [display-posts posts_per_page="1" image_size="thumbnail" include_excerpt="true" ]
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      • Profile picture of the author alex.jeffreys
        Originally Posted by wholesaleidiot View Post

        This is the link to the support desk. The PDF is broken as well. Looks like outsourcing might need a supervisor, huh?

        : array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /home/adminaj/public_html/wp-content/plugins/post-content-shortcodes/class-post-content-shortcodes.php on line 230

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        Warning: Illegal string offset 'exclude_current' in /home/adminaj/public_html/wp-content/plugins/post-content-shortcodes/class-post-content-shortcodes.php on line 321
        Home Page Test Content
        [display-posts posts_per_page="1" image_size="thumbnail" include_excerpt="true" ]
        Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

        the day we launched my blog got hacked.

        and I thought it was all fixed now.

        however I can see that www.marketingwithyou.com/support link doesn't work.

        I've told my support guys. and this will be fixed asap.

        for now if you need support you can go direct to my support desk using this link http://www.marketingwithyou.zendesk.com/


        Alex Jeffreys
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        • Profile picture of the author Sleep Learning
          Hi Everyone!

          Personally I use nearly every single day: "Internet Download Manager", as
          I have found it to be nothing short of FANTASTIC and AMAZING at being able
          to download pretty-well every type of video there is in existence!

          NOW...let me make something quite clear here (for the Moderators...in case
          they are "worrying" about this post from me!?)...I am NOT an Affiliate for
          "Internet Download Manager" and I will NOT post a link to it here, as anyone
          can just Google it!!

          Having said that...IDM integrates into your preferred Internet Browser and
          then usually automatically takes over and and ALL downloads that your want!
          It even "offers" to download a given file and allows you to choose YES or NO!

          I have tried lots of "download managers" and SO FAR have found IDM
          to be the very best...overall!

          As an aside: For YouTube video downloading, I use (with great success!),
          "Freemake Video Downloader" and "Final Video Downloader"!

          I hope the Moderators are O.K. with my post and cannot see any reason
          they would NOT be, as all I am doing here is helping others "Warriors" in
          their "time of need"!

          Regards to ALL: DAVID.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben@MWY
    Hey guys,

    We have directed the link to a support page which you can now use to access the support desk. As Alex mentioned above we some issues with the sites which resulted in some of our links becoming broke. We have our tech guys working on the site to find get this fully resoled but you can still access the support desk.

    @sohosources we wouldn't have issued a refund without a request. If you could respond to your ticket in the support desk we can take another look for you.

    Sorry for any inconvenience over this guys and if you do have any other questions please let us know http://www.marketingwithyou.zendesk.com/

    Many thanks
    Ben Jones
    Customer Support Manager
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    • Profile picture of the author sohosources

      I don't have the time to mess around with zendesk support right now, but someone on your end might. I'm sure you can dig up my original purchase, etc.

      My original inquiry was for the videos in downloadable format.

      Failing that, I asked about *how* to refund the product.

      In Laura's reply, there were no video links, but there was a summary refund, with no further discussion.

      If you want to make this "right," simply provide the videos in DL format.

      Why ANYONE would BUY a course that didn't have DL videos is beyond me. I guess people don't understand that their course can be turned off at the seller's whim (or if the seller gets hit by a bus, doesn't pay his hosting fees, etc). This has happened to me several times. But no more.

      Without actually delivering the content to purchasers, it's kinda like "renting" or "licensing" the material. If I want that kind of a deal, I'll buy something from Microsoft


      P.S. Thanks for the info, etc, but the thing to do here is to simply provide the vids.
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  • Profile picture of the author garrym
    I clicked thru Timothy Miranda's link to take a look at this sales page and decided not to purchase. For my efforts, I got a freebie. The site loaded the malware/adware program PassShow on on my computer and I am still trying to get rid of it now.

    Other offers have previously given my email address to spammers but this is the first time garbage has been downloaded to my computer without me doing anything more than visiting the offer.

    Be careful with Ultimate Profit Empire!
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    • Profile picture of the author canada94
      I struggled online for over 2 years, until buying Alex's system, since January 17th, using my skill-set and Alex's system, I had my first $5k week and then my first $5k day.I met Alex last week at an IM weekend,and he is one of the most humble honest marketers I've met, so this new product is a simpler version that has made Alex and his students fortunes.
      stop being a pussy and invest in your future, or this time next year you will still be in the same position, but bitching over someone else s product...rant over

      [B]If you are looking to turn your ebook into an Amazon bestseller,then visit http://babystepspublishinglimited.com,and let me help you

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  • Profile picture of the author daxguy5
    The programm seemed to be some kind of good but the support is too much bad and you would be lost when would join :/ Not Recommend. Now Its Up To You
    Making Money Online Is Really Awesome Guys...!
    All You Need To Do Is Blogging 1 Hour A Day...!
    Lets Connect On FaceBook And I Will SHow You How You Can Use Blogging To Make Your Living !
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    • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
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