Interviewing Unwrapped

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Interviewing Unwrapped from Heather Vale is a thoughtful and clearly laid out course designed to show the correct ways to generate great content by interviewing expert guests.

This strategy is commonly heard online, but as Mark Twain once said "everyone talks about the weather but no-one does anything about it". Until now, this has been the same problem when learning to interview. Poor interviews are not only hard to listen to, but they can seriously damage your online reputation and cripple your ability to attract future guest experts. Other than watching and listening to interviews online and on TV or radio, there has been nowhere for internet warriors to learn this important skill. Until now.

The Interviewing Unwrapped home study course comes in three levels, each using the same physical workbook and CD package, but with varying levels of online access. The physical package consists of 7 audio CDs, two workbooks of almost 400 pages in total, and a transcript of a bonus interview.

The meat of the course is in Book 1, where Heather describes what works, what doesn't and why. She draws on her 15+ years on professional journalist and media presenter experience to give extremely practical and usable tips in an easy to read format.

Book 2 is the transcripts of the interviews contained on the 6 audio CDs with famous interviewers about their techniques, best practices and inside tips. She speaks with Harris Fellman, David Garfinkel, Willie Crawford, Martin Wales, Randy Gilbert, Harrison Klein, Lou D'Alo, Barry Goss, Shaune Clarke and Mark Joyner.

The 7 audio CD is a bonus interview with Janet Beckers of Wonderful Web Women, in which it is Heather who is being interviewed. The last manual in the package is the transcript for this interview.

As a former broadcast media personality, I have personally conducted many newsmaker, political and entertainer interviews, and can say that Heather certainly knows her stuff.

I recommend Interviewing Unwrapped to anyone looking to create unique and relevant content for a teleseminar, blog, info product or podcast.

There is an in depth and detailed user review of the course at my new review site:
#heather #interviewing #product creation #unwrapped #vale

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